One of the most common problems with paintball masks is fogging up. It is very annoying and sometimes dangerous, too; no paintball player would like to have them in their paintball masks. Now you may ask, “why does my paintball fog up?”

Well, paintball masks can fog up for a variety of reasons, and the most common ones include air circulation issues, improper fit, and sweat buildup. 

Now you know what causes your paintball mask fog up, so what’s next? How can you avoid them? Or what steps should you take after facing fog up?  

Well, before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a deeper look at the problems and then learn about the solutions. You know what? When we are aware of problems and know how they happen, it becomes easier for us to find solutions.  

So let’s scroll down and learn how you can keep your vision clear even in a humid or cold environment. 

Why does my paintball mask fog up?

Just like a paintball gun, paintball tank, and paintball ammo, paintball masks are also essential paintball gear. It’s a protective gear that protects our face, including eyes, and head, from get hit by a paintball pellet. But when this fog up, it makes it difficult for us to see from where the attack is coming and where to attack. So, just like we need best paintball guns to win the game, we also need the best paintball mask to continue the game successfully. Let’s why know why this problem comes up and make our game difficult.

Not Enough Air Circulation

Air circulation inside the mask is important because it helps to prevent paintballs from building up on the mask lens or visor. If your mask doesn’t fit properly, your warm breath or humid air will be trapped inside the helmet, which will cause it to expand and create condensation. Condensation is the process of water vapor forming from moist air, also known as dew. When warm, oxygen-rich air meets cool, nitrogen-rich air, water vapor naturally forms and rises to the surface. The vapors that are released are primarily composed of water molecules, hydrogen gas, and carbon dioxide.

Excessive Sweating

If you’re sweating heavily during play on the face or head, your mask will become soaked in sweat. This sweat leaks out of the mask and combines with air pollution to form small droplets that travel up the lens of your mask, which then form humidity and obscure your vision.   

Improper Fit Paintball Mask

If the paintball mask doesn’t fit properly, it can cause moisture to accumulate inside the mask, which in turn causes it to fog up. This is not only inconvenient but also harmful since you may not be able to see clearly while playing. And it doesn’t end here; it can also create a lack of breathing ability and even death. So, it is important to ensure that the fit is comfortable and snug.

What Can You Do To Avoid Paintball Mask Fog Up

Now that you know what causes the paintball mask fog up, I can help you control it. Read the below options to learn more about the solutions. 

Thermal Lense Paintball Mask

If you have not yet bought a paintball mask but looking for one, you can avoid foggy lenses just by purchasing a thermal lens paintball mask. Again paintball with the thermal lens is available in two types of lenses; single pane or dual pane. If you want the best paintball mask, you have to buy the dual pane thermal lens paintball mask. Unlike single-pane lenses, dual-pane lenses will have two sets of lenses, the outer set will be a thick lens, and the inner lens will be thinner. Both sets of lenses will be made of different properties, and they will have a space between each other; they won’t be stuck together. This space will be the way for insulation, which means the inside temperature can’t reach and leave an impact on the outer lens. But a paintball mask with a thermal lens will cost you a lot, and changing them every year and keeping them in check is not the cup of tea for everyone. 

If you can’t afford a thermal lens and want other solutions or have already purchased a regular lens paintball mask, the below options are for you.

Anti-fog coating 

The anti-fog-resistant coating is a great option to avoid paintball mask fog up. It’s the second-best option to avoid your paintball mask from fogging up and is cheaper than thermal lenses. 

These days most paintball masks come with anti-fog coating; if you own an older mask without it, don’t worry; you can upgrade it. It’s a thin anti-fog coating applied on the inner glass of your anti-fog mask to prevent fogging up. Take the paintball mask to a local paintball shop and turn it into an anti-fogging mask.

But it’s not 100% guaranteed that your anti-fog lens paintball mask won’t fog up; sometime, you may still see fog up after using this mask. Plus it’s not permanent, after a few days you will have to replace them with new ones. 

Air circulation Fan 

An air circulation fan is another great option that won’t let your paintball mask fog up. Many of the updated paintball masks come with air circulation fans, and some don’t. You may add one if you want. This fan will do the work of removing the hot air outside and bringing fresh air inside. As a result, you won’t have to face paintball fog up. 

But personally saying I don’t like it and also don’t recommend it to use. A fan on a face mask that we will be wearing, doesn’t it feel awkward? Can you imagine its workload, bringing fresh air inside and removing our breath air outside? I don’t prefer this at all with a mask I will be wearing all day long, that too, not comfortably sitting, but running, hiding, shooting, and so on. But if you want, you can give it a try. 

Separate Mesh Mask and Glasses

If any of the upper suggestions don’t go well with you, you can opt for a separate mesh for the face and glass for eye protection. As we know, the reason for fogging up is the warm breath that goes into the glasses and makes them fog up. 

So when we wear a separate mask and Google, our warm breaths can easily escape outside and won’t go to the glasses, as there won’t be any connection between them like a paintball mask. And if you wear a good quality mask and glasses, they will give you the same protection as the paintball mask. Only the cheek area of your face will be uncovered, and this is the area where hardly ever any paintball hits.  

So you can safely use these gears if you are facing fog-up problems without thinking twice.  

Regular Paintball Mask

When you don’t have any option rather than buying a regular paintball mask, you can still prevent fog-up by following proper maintenance. But one of the essential things you have to keep in mind is that you have to buy a paintball that fits you perfectly. It shouldn’t be like you are entering some tissue paper to fill up the gap between your face and the paintball mask. And neither should it be like the paintball mask is so tight that you are unable to breathe properly and not uncomfortable as well. So while buying a paintball mask, wear and check its breathability, how it fits, and whether there is a gap or not. And once you have got the perfect size paintball mask, follow the next maintenance method and prevent fog up. 

How To Do Paintball Mask Maintenance To Prevent Fog Up

One of the most important things you can do to avoid fogging it up is to maintain your paintball mask. This can be difficult, but there are a few things that will help. Let’s know them.

  • The first step is to keep your mask clean. After each game, take it off and clean the paint. Use a towel or microfiber cloth and dab the paint until it is properly removed. Then use water or lens cleaner spray and wipe away with another clean towel or soft cloth. 
  • You can also use dish soap, shaving cream, toothpaste, baby shampoo, or Vaseline. All you need to do is apply any of these products and gently wipe away with a clean microfiber towel or cloth. If you want, you can then clean it with water or leave it as it is. It’s done. Another thing you have to make sure that the glasses are dried enough. Try to dry them with a towel or cloth as much as possible and then leave it to dry naturally. 
  • Additionally, you have to let the paintball mask breathe. You can do this when you are in the safe zone because it’s not allowed to remove the paintball mask on the paintball field; it can cause serious injury. So when you have got a break in the game, simply remove the paintball marks, wipe down with a towel if you have time in hand, or leave it like this for a few minutes.
  • Finally, when the paintball mask is clean and dry, you have to store it in a safe place. What is the safe place? Remember the box the paintball mask has arrived? That is the one most safe place to store and transport the paintball mask. If you don’t have that, you can also use a pillowcase. 
  • And when you have to travel with it, try to invest in a good quality paintball gear bag with a separate paintball mask compartment. And if you can’t do that, keep the paintball in the last on top of other gear and accessories in the bag. This will keep the paintball mask safe and free of any scratches. 

 Tips To Prevent Fog Up

  • Make sure that your face and head are fully covered when playing so that oil and sweat don’t get trapped in the paintball goggle
  • Always wipe down the inside of your lens with a cloth before each paintball game to remove any excess oils or dust particles. 
  • Be careful don’t drag the towel or cloth, and avoid using any paper-type material like tissue; these can cause scratches on the glass.  
  • You can prevent fog up by wearing a headband or head wrap to absorb sweat from your forehead.  
  • Never use excessive force when cleaning your mask – just a gentle brush should do the trick!

Related Questions and Answers You May Have In Mind

How do you clean a paintball mask?

First, remove the paint by dabbing a microfiber cloth or towel. Then use anti-fog spray or glass cleaner and wipe down with a clean microfiber cloth. Let the paintball mask dry naturally.  

How do you fix a foggy mask?

Take a small amount of dish soap, mix it with water, and spray on the paintball mask glass. Now wipe down and tap dry with a soft clean cloth or try, and it’s done. 

Does soap prevent fogging?

Yes, soap can prevent fogging by reducing the amount of moisture that accumulates on the mask screen. But ensure you are using soap that doesn’t include any type of lotions or chemicals. 

Will rubbing alcohol keep glasses from fogging up?

Yes, rubbing alcohol can keep your glasses from fogging up. It is a natural solvent that can remove moisture from glasses and prevent fogging up.  

How do you Defog a mask with toothpaste?

Apply a layer of toothpaste on the mask glasses, wait for a few minutes, and wipe down with a dampened microfiber cloth or trowel. Toothpaste contains abrasives ingredients that can remove moisture buildup and defog the mask. 

How do you clean an anti-fog paintball mask?

Spray the anti-fog spray on the paintball mask, wait for a few minutes, and then wipe down with a soft cloth. If there are some stubborn paint stains, you can gently scrub them with a toothbrush and then rinse them away with water. Pat dry with a microfiber towel and let it dry naturally. 

Does anti-fog spray work?

Yes, anti fog spray works. Anti-fog sprays are specially designed to prevent fog-up in anti-fog glasses. But like other methods, it’s also not 100% guaranteed will work.  

Does Dish Soap stop glasses from fogging?

Yes, dish soap can stop glasses from fogging. This will leave a thin coat of soap barrier that will prevent fog up.  

Does baby shampoo stop goggles from fogging?

 Yes, baby shampoo is an effective and safe option to stop goggles from fogging. 


To sum it all up, it is because of the moisture that gets trapped inside the mask. To avoid this problem from the root, follow the alternatives like a thermal paintball mask, anti-fog paintball mask, mask fan, etc. I have shared a few more options above. And when you don’t want alternative options and want preventive measures, just follow the tips shared above and do the maintenance.

Furthermore, if your masks are not in safe storage conditions, they can get damaged. So be careful while storing and transporting it.