Paintball is a sport where competitors eliminate opponents by tagging them with pellets. Players are equipped with gear such as masks, gas-powered and manual markers, and clothing that either wholly or partly covers their bodies. 

This game can be played in various formats, including speedball, woods ball, rec ball, and scenario games. Military simulations often use paintball guns to train soldiers for close-quarters battle with live rounds. 

If you’re a first-timer to paintball sport, you might be wondering what you can expect from the game. This article will guide you to play Paintball as a beginner and what to expect from it.

What is Paintball?

So I’m not going to give you a history lesson on Paintball. You shoot gelatin balls filled with a die from compressed air co2 paintball markers and shoot each other with them. It started about the 70s when foresters who would mark tree dudes being dudes decided to attack each other.

Types of Paintball

There are three types of Paintball: woods ball, scenario playing, and air ball. Whichever you choose, Paintball is a great way to have fun and exercise.

  1. Wood Ball

Next up is narrow gameplay. Now, these are filled with small or big will throw big games, and now these are games where several hundred or even thousands of paintball players will all come together sometimes. 

They’re just one day, and sometimes it’s two-day events. Just tons of paintball players get together, and from two teams to six, seven teams go on the field at once, and they all fight for different objectives. 

It’s a game that lasts all day; it’s not a tiny game. Sometimes it’s back-to-back games, and whoever has the most points wins, but it’s just a fun-filled weekend.

  1. Speedball

Speedball is a type of tournament play that is a big part of the paintball industry. If you type in “speedball” online, you’ll mostly see people wearing fancy, colorful, stylish clothing with guns that look like they cost $1,000 each. 

And trust me, they do cost that much because Paintball is an expensive sport. So if you’re considering getting into speedball, make sure you have the money. 

Speedball is played on a smaller field with air-filled bunkers and short matches. You can play with 3-10 team members depending on the tournament rules.

  1. Air Ball

Airball is the most popular and competitive type of Paintball. In air ball, teams compete to secure and protect a series of targets that stand in the center of the field. The first team to get all their opponents’ flags wins. 

You’ll see airball gameplay in movies, commercials, TV shows, and even video games. The target games are always very tense, and you will likely not hear much cheering on the field; it’s just a competition between two or more teams.

All right, so you know what Paintball is a little bit. Now you know how it started and what to expect with each type of Paintball.

Basic Rules of Paintball

There are different rules for scenario or speedball, but no matter what you’re playing, there are two critical roles. 

  • They’re going to say your mask rule is your most important role. That’s not stopping a paintball from hitting your face. I’m sure you guys all know what mask it is.
  • You wear a mask to protect your head and face from being hit by a paintball. The mask covers your whole head or just your face, depending on the type of mask. 
  • Wearing a mask prevents you from losing an eye if a paintball hits you. You also wear a belt that has a pouch for carrying extra paintballs. The belt also has a barrel cover to protect the paintball gun barrel.

The Necessity of Paintball Rules

I’m here to tell you that it is going to happen – you might break a rule, even one you didn’t know existed, such as the mask or the barrel cover rule. I’ve seen young kids break the rules, older adults break the rules – and you have to be the ref who is going to be strict, depending on the field.

They’re going to strip you if they see you without a mask. I’ve seen it happen in other fields – the refs will either tell you to put your mask on or make you sit out. 

It’s either your mask or your eye, and if you choose not to wear a mask, you run the risk of losing an eye because those paintballs are going very fast.

What Happens if You Break The Rules?

I’m not trying to scare you. Just trying to tell you the reality of Paintball and its safety. A lot of times, I’ve had to sit kids out for not playing. I’ve seen them crying, and feel horizontal about it, but if they don’t follow the rules, they won’t be able to play because they can’t follow the safety rules. 

Seeing adults who feel self-entitled because they’re older and don’t have to follow the rules is depressing, but guess what? You must follow the rules, or you won’t be able to play. I’m here to tell you that you might break them, but don’t get discouraged.

Don’t get discouraged if you accidentally break a rule and have to sit out. I’ve seen people get angry and walk off the field because they couldn’t follow this rule. 

What To Wear in Paintball

When it comes to what to wear while playing Paintball, I’ve seen people decked out in complete camouflage, internment gear, shorts and nothing else, shirtless, and more. 

It’s up to you what you wear – if you don’t care about getting shot without a shirt, don’t worry about it. 

But if you care about getting shot, it’s advisable to wear a shirt at least. I’ve seen people wear several layers of clothing. When I first went out, I was one of those guys who wore a lot of camouflage. 

All right, before we were all fancy with our speedball gear, Jake, Nicky, and I wore camouflage. We’re all played with Hitmen. It happens. That’s what you’re getting into the sport. Wear whatever you want. It’s completely up to you.

Insights for Beginners

One of the most common questions I get is from people wondering if Paintball hurts. I’m going to provide some insight for those who haven’t played before. Now, the way I said it does have to do with what you’re wearing. 

  • Sometimes it depends on what you wear. Some people wear full body armor, and they barely feel it. Some people wear nothing, and they feel a lot. 
  • When you’re playing Paintball, if you’re out on the field running around, your adrenaline is going, and your blood is pumping. 
  • If you get hit, it will not hurt nearly as much as if you are hiding in the back of the field behind a bunker, cold, shaking a little bit. If you’re just hiding there and your blood isn’t pumped, it’s going to hurt a lot more.
  • If you don’t have a paintball gun, getting hit will sting a little bit. I won’t lie to you. But if you’re enjoying yourself and having the time of your life, as you should be, then it won’t hurt. I promise it’ll only sting a little. 

You’re not required to be upfront. In fact, it’s better if you stay in the back. Google your local paintball field to find the best place to play.

Playing Paintball in City Area

When choosing a paintball field, do your research to ensure you have a good time. Some areas are better than others, and there may be few options depending on the location. There are likely large fields if you’re in the middle of nowhere. 

However, if you’re in the city, there may not be as many. Consider the CPX health survivors. They have their own metal networks and need a lot of lands. 

The refs play a big role in how much fun you have. Some don’t care about the players and only want to go home. Others are more interactive and follow the rules to ensure everyone has a good time.

Make sure you know what kind of field you’re going for. Safe fields require carefulness, while careless fields do not.

What Gear to Use for Paintball

When you start playing Paintball, there is a lot of gear you can use. Different people use different masks, hoppers, markers, and attire. It is completely up to you what you want to use when you first start playing. 

Most likely, you will just shoot a rental. You may want to wear Empire chest pads, but that is up to you. The rental should come with a mask and all the basic stuff you need. 

Just because other people have fancy gear doesn’t mean you need to. One of the great things about Paintball is that there are so many options. 

You can have any gun you want. If you have the money, you can change hoppers, tanks, guns, and different types of jerseys. If you start, you can start a team and have everyone were the same things. You can have crazy colors. 

One of the best things about going to Paintball is seeing everyone. Such a diverse crowd of people, how they act. Some people are extremely serious, while some people are extremely comical. Alright, that’s one of the best things. So wear whatever you want.

What should you buy before Going to play Paintball

Though you’ll need nothing at first, there are a few things that you should consider buying before going to play Paintball. This will help make everything else easier and prevent unnecessary stress.

  1. A better Hopper – You’ll want nothing but the best when it comes to your paintball gun. A better hopper is essential because it will keep your gun feeding when you need it most. You will want the best hopper for the type of Paintball you play, such as compressed air or BBs.
  2. Mask – Your mask will protect your eyes, which is important. You’ll want to protect your face because close range means that you will most likely get hit by a paintball.
  3. Clothing – The right clothing is important to prevent paintballing injuries, such as scrapes and bruises, and it’ll also help keep you cool when the heated-up paintballs are flying around.


Are there different types of paintball guns?

No, there are three different types of paintball guns: mechanically powered, pump-operated, and electro-pneumatic. Each kind has a unique firing rate and expense. All paintball guns share the same general components and create a sound when fired. The firing power of these different paintball guns depends on the ball’s velocity.

Which Paintball is best?

Empire Mini is the best Paintball for beginners. It’s a low-pressure, highly elastic ball that won’t break the skin and will not sting too much. The balls are designed to be easy to clean because they are transparent and water-soluble.

What’s the difference in paintball guns?

Mechanical guns must be cocked before firing, and they are often noisier than electronic guns. To fire, mechanical weapons often require more air pressure in your tank. A mechanical gun typically requires 600–800 psi of pressure to fire, but an electronic cannon may just require 200 psi.


Paintball is a great way to spend time with friends and family while getting some exercise. It can be a lot of fun, but it is essential to be safe and prepared before playing. This guide has provided some essential beginner’s guides to Paintball, how to get started, and what to expect. With practice and safety in mind, anyone can enjoy a paintball game. Engaging in a game of paintball is an excellent activity for bonding with loved ones and staying physically active. However, it is paramount that safety measures are adhered to and proper preparation is undertaken before commencing. The following guide furnishes beginners with vital information on the basics of paintball and offers insights into starting out and the possible outcomes. With consistent practice and a keen emphasis on safety, individuals can partake in the thrilling experience of paintball gaming.