Summer is the perfect time for paintballing. But if you live in an area like Miami, Honolulu, Phoenix, or Orlando, where the average temperature is 75° F, you must ensure that you wear suitable paintball clothing. 

So, what to wear for paintballing in summer? If you want to stay cool and comfortable, it’s better choice to wear loose, light clothing that won’t keep you hot on the paintball field.

Indeed, you should follow the sun protection tips when you’re out on the field. However, only sunscreen can’t protect your skin from the summer heat. Let’s find out more tips. 

How To Dress For Paintball In Summer

Paintball in the summer can be more enjoyable than in the winter- thankfully, we’ve some great tips for how to dress for paintballing in the summer.

  • Wear a Cap

Wearing a cap will protect your head from the sun and keep you cool in the hotter weather. Wear a thin beanie, cotton bandanas, or hoodie instead of thick and heavy headcovers to keep you cool. 

It’ll also give you a  fashionable look and head protection.

  • Right Clothing 

Heavy clothing will weigh you down and cause you to sweat throughout the day. Pair up regular t-shirts or polo shirt ( cotton, linen) with lightweight shorts or pants ensure better air circulation and let you move freely. Try to use sweat absorbing and avoiding long sleeves cloths.

  • Single Layer Clothing

Avoid wearing multiple layers cloths. This will cause you to get sweaty and heavy. Wear just one layer of clothing, and ensure the fabric is breathable and light so it doesn’t weigh you down. 

  • Light Color Clothes

Dark-colored clothing absorbs the sun’s radiant heat and makes you feel hotter and sweat more. On the other hand, light-colored clothes reflect heat, allowing for better insulation. 

  • Footwear 

The sneaker is the best choice for paintball players in the summer. It’s comfortable and easy to move around. 

  • Hand Gloves

A pair of hand gloves will protect your hands and improve grip. You won’t sweat and slip off the paintball gun when you wear gloves.

  • Cargo Pants

It’s good to have cargo pants as your paintballing clothes for summer. They’re lightweight and loose-fitting, allowing air to move around your body and keeping you cool for the entire game. 

  • Dual Pane Lens

Wear a pair of dual pane lenses which will help your eyes from being sensitive to the summer sun and prevent fogging.  

What Should a Girl Wear for Paintball In Summer?

Girls should also wear lightweight, loose-fitting, sweat-absorbing clothes that are easy to move in. However, a few specific things girls should wear into the field.

  • Sweatpants 

Wear sweatpants made of a wicking material. When you are in the field, it gets hot, and you sweat non-stop. Sweatpants will soak up all that sweat and keep you cool. 

  • Ponytails 

When playing paintball, you want to be cool. So a ponytail is a good idea. The ponytail will help keep your hair out of the way and cool your head.

  • Thin Sports Bra

The thin sports bra will help you feel cooler. You won’t be wearing a bulky bra that will keep you warm. 

How Do You Stay Cooler While Playing Paintball?

To make sure you stay cool while playing paintball, here are something to consider:

  • Stay Hydrated

Water is key to keeping your body cool. Be sure to drink enough water (twice your normal routine) before, during, and after the game. 

Staying hydrated will help keep you from becoming dehydrated, and the most crucial part is keeping yourself calm.

  • Don’t Push Yourself too Hard

One of the most common mistakes people make when playing paintball is pushing themselves too hard. Once your body starts to become exhausted from running, jumping, dodging, and hiding, you run the risk of overheating. 

  • Take Your Mask

If you take your paintball mask off in between games. It lets your body cool off and will prevent you from getting too hot. 

  • Stay in Shade

Always stay in the shade as long as possible, as direct sunlight can cause your body temperature to rise quickly and dangerously high. 

  • Avoid Soda

You shouldn’t drink too much soda while playing paintball, as it makes you extremely thirsty and can lead to severe dehydration. 

  • Take Break

It’s always a good idea to take a break when playing paintball. Stop Playing too many hours at a time can cause you to overheat. Taking a break allows your body to cool off.

  • Use Ice Pack

Using an ice pack over your body can help keep you cool. You can apply an ice pack to your neck to keep it cool. 

  • Remove Excess Gear

It’s not a good idea to wear extra protection if you won’t be using it during the game. You can remove some of it to stay cool.


What is the best color to wear for paintball?

The best color to wear for paintball is white and camouflage-colored clothing. The camouflage color helps players blend in with the environment, allowing them to sneak up on their opponents. 

Do you wear shorts or pants when paintballing?

You can wear all types of clothing, including shorts and pants or even a shorts and a t-shirt. However, choose to wear shorts if you play paintball in summer. 

Final Word

Paintball is an outdoor fun game, so you should not think about what to wear for paintballing in summer unless you are playing in a competition or team.  

Wear whatever you are comfortable in, but make sure they’re thin and lightweight, and they can absorb sweat. However, don’t forget to wear paintball gear such as goggles, ankle support, gloves, helmet, and coveralls on the game day for protection.