The most common paintball bore size is .689. Paintball markers typically use this bore size for better accuracy and consistency.

In paintball, accuracy can be achieved by matching the bore size of the barrel to the size of the paintballs. Using a bore size that is slightly larger than the paintballs allows for better consistency in airflow, reducing the chances of paintballs breaking in the barrel.

With the most common bore size of. 689, players can expect improved accuracy and performance on the field.

What is the Most Common Paintball Bore Size


Understanding Paintball Barrel Bore Size

Definition and importance of paintball bore size

Understanding the paintball barrel bore size is essential for any paintball enthusiast. The bore size refers to the internal diameter of the barrel and plays a crucial role in determining the accuracy and efficiency of paintball shots. Paintballs come in various sizes, typically ranging from .675 to .695 inches.

Factors affecting bore size selection

There are several factors that influence the selection of the bore size for a paintball barrel:

  • Paintball Type: Different paintballs have different sizes. It is crucial to select a bore size that matches the paintball for optimal performance.
  • Weather Conditions: Weather conditions such as temperature and humidity can affect the consistency and size of paintballs. Adjusting the bore size can compensate for these variations.
  • Air Pressure: The air pressure used in paintball markers can impact the size and shape of paintballs. Choosing the appropriate bore size can ensure consistent shot accuracy.
  • Marker Efficiency: Each paintball marker has different barrel requirements. Some markers prefer a specific bore size for optimal performance.
  • Shooter’s Style: Individual shooting style can also influence the choice of bore size. Players who prefer tighter groupings may opt for a smaller bore size, while others may prefer a larger bore size for more forgiving shots.

Considering these factors, it is essential to experiment with different bore sizes to find the one that best suits your playing style and equipment.

Paintball Barrel Bore Size Options

Common bore sizes used in paintball

When it comes to paintball barrel bore sizes, there are several common options that players can choose from. The most commonly used bore sizes include:

  • .685
  • .688
  • .684
  • .691
  • .677

Comparison of different bore sizes

The different paintball barrel bore sizes have varying effects on the performance of the marker. Here’s a comparison of the different options:

Bore SizeEffect on Performance
.685Offers better accuracy with larger paintballs, but may cause increased friction and breakage with smaller paintballs.
.688Provides a balanced option for most paintballs, offering a good blend of accuracy and efficiency.
.684Offers increased efficiency and reduced air consumption, but may sacrifice a bit of accuracy.
.691Offers increased efficiency and reduced air consumption but may sacrifice a bit of accuracy.
.677Offers maximum efficiency and air saving, but may sacrifice accuracy with larger paintballs.

Pros and cons of each bore size option


  • Pros: Improved accuracy with larger paintballs.
  • Cons: Increased friction and breakage with smaller paintballs.


  • Pros: Balanced option for most paintballs, offers a good blend of accuracy and efficiency.
  • Cons: N/A


  • Pros: Increased efficiency and reduced air consumption.
  • Cons: Sacrifice a bit of accuracy.


  • Pros: Improved accuracy with smaller paintballs.
  • Cons: Reduced efficiency with larger paintballs.


  • Pros: Maximum efficiency and air saving.
  • Cons: Sacrifice accuracy with larger paintballs.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Bore Size

Factors to Consider When Choosing Bore Size

When it comes to paintball, the bore size of your marker’s barrel plays a crucial role in determining accuracy, efficiency, and overall performance. Choosing the right bore size can greatly enhance your gameplay experience, allowing you to hit your targets more consistently. There are several factors that you should consider when selecting the most suitable bore size for your paintball marker. These factors include marker type and compatibility, paintball type, and quality, as well as player preferences and shooting style.

Marker Type and Compatibility

Different paintball markers have varying bore size requirements to ensure optimal performance. It is important to check the manufacturer’s specifications or consult with an expert to determine the specific bore size compatibility for your marker. Using an incorrect bore size can lead to potential issues such as breaks, barrel jams, and decreased accuracy. Therefore, it is essential to choose a bore size that is recommended for your marker’s design.

Paintball Type and Quality

The type and quality of the paintballs you use can also influence your choice of bore size. Paintballs come in different sizes, typically ranging from .675 to .689 caliber. It is crucial to select a bore size that matches the diameter of the paintballs you will be shooting. Using a barrel with a bore size that is too large or too small for your paintballs can lead to inconsistent performance and increased barrel breaks. Therefore, it is important to choose a bore size that allows for a snug fit without excessive paintball roll or friction.

Player Preferences and Shooting Style

Additionally, your personal preferences and shooting style can impact your choice of bore size. Some players prefer a tighter bore size for increased accuracy, while others opt for a slightly larger bore size to accommodate for slight variations in paintball diameter. Factors such as playstyle, shooting technique, and the desired level of paintball accuracy can influence the ideal bore size for your needs.

By considering marker type and compatibility, paintball type and quality, as well as player preferences and shooting style, you can make an informed decision when choosing the most common paintball bore size for your specific requirements. This will ultimately enhance your gameplay experience and improve your performance on the field. Remember, accuracy and consistency are key, so selecting the right bore size is a crucial step in becoming a formidable paintball player.

Benefits Of Optimal Bore Size

Improved Accuracy and Consistency

The benefits of optimal bore size in paintball are numerous, beginning with improved accuracy and consistency on the field. When the bore size matches the paintball size, it ensures a tighter fit between the barrel and the paintball. This tighter fit results in enhanced accuracy as it reduces the chances of the paintball deviating from its intended trajectory. With a properly sized bore, paintballs fly straighter and hit their targets with greater precision, giving players a competitive advantage.

Increased Efficiency and Reduced Ball Breakage

Another advantage of having an optimal bore size is increased efficiency and reduced ball breakage. When the bore size is too large, excess air can escape around the paintball, causing a decrease in velocity and wasted energy. On the other hand, if the bore size is too small, it can cause the paintball to jam or break inside the barrel, leading to a loss of accuracy and wasted paintballs. By finding the perfect bore size, players can maximize the efficiency of their paintball markers and minimize the risk of ball breakage, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience.

Enhances Overall Performance on the Field

Choosing the right bore size also enhances the overall performance of players on the field. With improved accuracy and consistency, players can effectively plan their shots and hit their targets more reliably. This increased precision allows for better strategic positioning, eliminating opponents and assisting teammates more effectively. By optimizing the bore size, players become more confident in their shots and can make better decisions in crucial moments, ultimately impacting the outcome of the game.

Testing And Experimentation With Bore Sizes

Importance of Test Firing Different Bore Sizes

When it comes to paintball, the bore size of your paintball marker’s barrel plays a crucial role in determining accuracy and consistency. Test firing different bore sizes is an essential step to finding the optimal performance for your marker. By experimenting with various bore sizes, you can fine-tune your setup and achieve better accuracy on the field.

Gathering Data and Analyzing Results

To determine the most common bore size for your paintball marker, it is important to gather data through test firing. This involves shooting paintballs through barrels with different bore sizes and recording the resulting accuracy, consistency, and efficiency. By documenting your findings, you can analyze the data and identify patterns that may indicate the most suitable bore size for your specific marker.

You can also consider creating a table to organize and compare your test results:

Bore SizeAccuracyConsistencyEfficiency

By analyzing the data from your test firing sessions, you can identify the bore size that consistently delivers both accuracy and efficiency. This information will help you make an informed decision when selecting the most common bore size for your paintball marker.

Fine-Tuning Bore Size Based on Personal Preferences

While data analysis is crucial, personal preferences also play a significant role in determining the most common bore size for your paintball marker. Each player may have different shooting styles and preferences, which can affect their choice of bore size. By considering factors such as paintball type, field conditions, and shooting distance, you can fine-tune the bore size to align with your individual preferences.

Remember, the most common bore size may vary from player to player, so it’s essential to experiment and find what works best for you. Whether it’s a slightly smaller bore size for improved accuracy or a slightly larger bore size for increased efficiency, finding the perfect balance will enhance your paintball experience.

Recommended Bore Sizes For Specific Playstyles

Bore size recommendations for speedball players

If you’re a speedball player, having the right bore size can significantly enhance your performance on the field. Speedball games are fast-paced and typically played in smaller, close-quarters arenas. In this intense environment, you need a bore size that ensures accuracy and efficiency in shooting. This is where a smaller bore size comes in handy. For speedball players, we recommend using a bore size of .685 or .682.

Bore size recommendations for woodsball players

For woodball players, the game is played in larger, outdoor fields with varying terrain and longer shooting distances. In this scenario, you need a bore size that provides consistency in accuracy and allows for difficult shots. A slightly larger bore size can provide better consistency with different paintballs and maintain accuracy over long distances. Therefore, we recommend a bore size of .689 or .687 for woodball players.

Bore size recommendations for scenario players

Scenario players engage in longer, more immersive games that simulate military missions or historical events. These games typically take place in large, open fields with a mix of close-range and long-range shooting situations. Scenario players benefit from a versatile bore size that performs well under various circumstances. We recommend using a bore size of .689 or .687 for scenario players.

Remember, while these recommended bore sizes work well for most players in their respective playstyles, individual preferences may vary. Experiment with different bore sizes and see which one suits your playing style the best.

Barrel Kits And Bore Size Options

When it comes to choosing the right barrel for your paintball marker, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important considerations is the bore size. The bore size refers to the diameter of the barrel’s inner bore. Different bore sizes offer varying levels of accuracy, efficiency, and consistency. Barrel kits that offer interchangeable bore sizes have gained popularity among paintball players, allowing them to customize their setup according to their playing style and field conditions.

Exploring Barrel Kits and Their Benefits

Barrel kits have become a popular choice for paintball players due to their versatility and efficiency. These kits typically include a base barrel with multiple interchangeable bore inserts that allow players to adjust the bore size to match their paintball diameter. By using different bore sizes, players can optimize their marker’s performance in terms of accuracy and air efficiency. Additionally, barrel kits offer the convenience of having multiple bores in one package, reducing the need to invest in multiple barrels for different playing scenarios.

Different Bore Size Options Available in Barrel Kits

Barrel kits usually come with a range of bore-size options to accommodate various paintball sizes and field conditions. The most common bore sizes found in barrel kits include:

  • .675: This bore size is commonly used for smaller paintballs and is suitable for tight shots and more precise accuracy.
  • .680: This is the most versatile bore size and can accommodate a wide range of paintball diameters. It offers a good balance between accuracy and efficiency.
  • .685: This bore size is often used for larger paintballs or in scenarios where the field conditions are rougher. It provides improved air efficiency and helps reduce barrel breaks.
  • .690: This bore size is ideal for larger paintballs and is commonly used in scenario games or woodsball where players may encounter various field conditions.

Adjusting Bore Sizes with Interchangeable Inserts

One of the key benefits of barrel kits is the ability to adjust the bore size with interchangeable inserts. These inserts are typically made of different materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, or carbon fiber, each offering different benefits in terms of weight and durability. By swapping the inserts, players can easily fine-tune their barrel’s bore size to match the paint they are using. This ensures optimal performance and prevents issues such as barrel breaks or inconsistent shots due to paintball barrel mismatch.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Bore Size For Paintball?

The best bore size for paintball varies depending on factors like the type of paintballs used and personal preference. It typically ranges from. 678 to. 689 inches. Experiment with different sizes to find the one that provides the best accuracy and efficiency for your specific setup.

What Is The Most Common Paintball Size?

The most common paintball size is. 68 caliber. Bigger bore sizes like. 69 and 70 are also used.

What Is The Best Barrel Length For Pump Paintball?

The best barrel length for pump paintball is typically 12 to 14 inches. Longer barrels may provide increased accuracy, but they can be cumbersome and affect maneuverability. It’s important to find a balance between accuracy and ease of use.

Does A Longer Barrel Increase Accuracy Paintball?

A longer barrel does not increase accuracy in paintball. Accuracy is determined by other factors such as the quality of the paintball and the consistency of the velocity.


The most common paintball bore size varies depending on personal preferences and playing styles. However, a typical bore size of. 689 is considered a versatile option that can accommodate various types of paintballs. It is important to note that bore size affects accuracy, efficiency, and consistency in paintball shooting.

Ultimately, finding the right bore size for your marker and paintball type is crucial for a satisfying paintball experience.