Ah, paintball! Isn’t it full of thrills, joy, and excitement? However, a little negligence might spoil all the flavors of this game and injure you. Most paintball injuries are minor, but you must be cautious so that you do not live with dread for the rest of your life. For that, you have to know what is the most common injury in paintball so you can take safety measures and avoid facing those.

Well, cuts, bruises or welts, twisted ankles, fractured ribs, and Knee and Ligament injuries are the most common in paintball. Some serious injuries are also there, like brain or head injuries, eye injuries, ear injuries, concussions, etc. 

If you don’t take immediate steps after getting injured, you can also face developing an infection. So, you better stay prepared. How to be prepared? We will know below. In this guide, I will share more information about the common injuries you can face while paintballing, how to prevent them, what to do after facing them, and lots more. So let’s jump to know more. 

How Common are Paintball Injuries?

Paintball injuries can be quite common, but fortunately, they’re usually mild and don’t require any serious treatment. The most common type of paintball injury is a bruise or fracture, which happens when the ball hits someone at high speed.  

According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), around 30,000 people get injured by paintball markers, paintball pellet guns, or BB guns. And almost 60% of them were being treated for paintball paintball pellet wounds.

There was also a report based on 2002 paintball accidents from RoSPA(Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents). It’s stated that 47% of the 923 persons brought to UK Accidents and Emergency departments after a paintball accident was for a twisted ankle, knee, or foot injury.

Therefore, the probability of injuries depends on how you play the game and how serious you’re about it. If you don’t wear safety gear and avoid following the safety rules, you might end up getting hurt badly by any injuries from paintball.

What is the Most Common Injury in Paintball?

The most common injuries include in paintball are minor injuries, but they’re still important to recognize and treat. In order of frequency, these are the most common paintball injuries —


One of the most common injuries in paintball is bruises. Bruises occur when a paintball hits you hard from a close distance. Sometimes blood vessels beneath the skin break and cause the affected areas to swell up and become discolored due to fluid accumulation. 

Wearing protective clothing and paintball equipment can prevent these wounds, but bare skin will cause pain and cause the affected area to scratch and mark. So always wear proper protective gear like a mask or helmet and get ready as you should for paintballing to reduce the risk of serious many paintball injuries. 

Twisted Ankle

Twisted ankle is the second most common injury in paintball playing happens when the foot or ankle is twisted so severely that it causes a loss of balance. While it’s also possible that someone could trip you up during the game, and as a result, you faced this ankle injury.  When this happens, the joint capsules can become inflamed and swollen, which can lead to other injuries down below, such as ligament tears or meniscus tears.

So it’s important for players to stay aware of their body position at all times and keep their footing stable by adjusting their stance accordingly. If you feel like you’re losing balance or experiencing any pain in your feet or ankles, stop playing immediately and seek medical attention if needed.


Falling can be caused by tripping over a rope or getting hit by a paintball while running. It can rarely cause broken bones and scrapes on your skin. When you’re playing paintball, it’s important to keep your balance and stay on your feet at all times. If you take unnecessary falls, it puts yourself, and other players in danger since falling causes increased blood flow and swelling, and sometimes severe injuries could be caused.

Additionally, maintain an upright position as much as possible to reduce airway obstruction during high-intensity play situations. So, you better watch your steps!


Cuts injuries caused when someone’s skin is punctured by a sharp object, like a paintball or another player’s fingernail. People play paintball and get cut when they fall to the ground after being shot by another player. However, cuts are not so painful but can cause infection if not treated immediately.  So, if you get cut playing paintball, go see your doctor as soon as possible!

Rib fractures

Rib fracture is also common injury in paintball. This can occur in paintball playing when players are hit with a paintball from a close distance, and the ball strikes them in the side of their ribcage and cause the rib cage to collapse.  Though it’s a common paintball injury, it still needs proper care. Don’t take it lightly, as they can easily result in serious breathing problems and even death if not treated promptly. If you’re suspected of having a Rib Fracture, contact your doctor right away for further evaluation and advice.  

Knee and ligament injuries

Knee and ligament injuries occurred when you jump or fall to the ground after shooting or shooting at someone while they are lying on the ground. This is due to the force of the impact that these activities involve. Fallen arches, cartilage damage, tears in tendons and ligaments, sprains and strains – all of these risks of injuries are there.

But with appropriate treatment, most knee and ligament injuries heal quickly. However, if your injury takes too much time to, please consult a doctor for further evaluation.

And to avoid getting injuries during paintball matches, make sure to follow the rules, always stay together as a team, and watch out for each other’s backsides! And finally, it’s important to wear proper equipment, such as protective pants or body armor, when necessary. 

By following these simple tips, you can minimize your chances of becoming an injury statistic.

Major Paintball Safety Tips to Avoid Injury

Paintball is safe, but it has injury risks as well. That’s why it’s important to take the necessary precautions before you head out to play.

Keep The Goggles On 

Paintball is a fun, exciting sport that’s also safe—as long as you’re wearing your goggles. This includes when you’re eating or drinking when you’re taking a break from playing paintball, and even when you’re breathing heavily or steamed up from running around the field. So, don’t take them off for any reason to avoid eye injuries on the paintball fields unless the referee tells you to do so.

Wear Gloves

Hands are one of the most exposed places to get hit while paintballing, and that’s why you must protect your hands by wearing a glove.

Some players prefer full-finger protection gloves like HK Army, while others prefer sleeve gloves such as Seibertron T.T.F.I.G 2.0.

Wrap Your Skin

One of the most important things you can do is to cover up your skin as much as possible, especially on your arms and legs. While this may feel a bit silly at first, it really does help reduce the pain and huge bruises that will follow.

Choose Clothing Based on Weather

During the winter, everyone dresses in long pants and long-sleeved sweaters, and in hot summer, you might urge to wear shorts, which are not suggested. You have to wear long pants and shirts in summer as well, but you can choose thin clothes for summer and layer clothes for winter.

Don’t forget to protect your neck; this body part needs extra care. Wear a turtle neck sweatshirt to avoid getting shot in the throat.

Wear the Right Footwear 

If your footwear does not have good traction, then you could slip over and injure yourself or, worse still, injure one of your fellow players! That’s why it’s recommended to wear sturdy boots that provide a stable grip for professional paintball players.

You’re more likely to play in wet, slippery, and muddy locations. However, even if you have chosen to play indoors, your shoes should provide enough ankle support so that you can run around without worrying about twisting an ankle.

Be Attentive to The Regulations

Whatever type of paintball game you’re playing, remember to shout out loud whenever you’re eliminated. And then, go to the safe zone without removing your goggles. Remember, you never take off the goggles!

If in Doubt, Issue Insurance

Issuing insurance is a great way to ensure full public liability coverage in addition to protection against equipment theft, damage, or loss. Plus, it’ll save you from paying any legal costs if you hurt or shoot someone mistakenly when paintballing.

Wear Padded Clothes for Added Protection

Padded clothing can help to protect you from serious injuries like hearing loss, blindness, etc., during the game. If you have worn a helmet and a paintball hits you in the head at high speed, it still can’t harm you and cause any severe injuries. Wearing padded clothing can drastically improve your gaming experience by reducing the risk of getting hit in the eye, facing the eardrum, or any sensitive area of the body.

When wearing padding, you reduce the impact that shots have on your body and also create a more comfortable playing environment. In addition, padded clothes help restrict movement and keep your skin protected from wounds and abrasions. So, wear padded clothes to cushion the blow of the balls, protect yourself from common injuries come with paintball, and get saved from enjoying the worst paintball experience. 

Let’s know about some padded clothes you can try on.

Padded Shorts

Padded Shorts are an essential piece of equipment for anyone who plays paintball, and for a good reason. You never want to get a speedy shot from a paintball gun in your groin or upper leg! Padded shorts will protect the surface of the skin from abrasions and discomfort and keep you comfortable and safe while you’re playing.

Not to mention, their padding prevents balls from making contact with sensitive areas like the inner thigh or genitals. So, wear padded shorts to protect yourself from such horrible agony if you participate in any type of sport that involves hard-hitting objects moving at high speeds.

Chest Protectors

The most commonly hit point among paintball players during paintballing is the torso. That’s why it’d be best if you wore a chest protector. It will help to protect your chest and lungs from shots and prevent inhalation of paint, lead, and other harmful substances when playing in a field.

Elbow Pads

Elbow pads are an essential part of any Paintball Gear and can help protect you from injury while playing. They will protect your elbows and shoulders from being hit by paintballs.. They also provide protection against falls and help to keep your arms stable while firing. 

Knee Pads

Knee pads are important for paintball because they help to protect your knees from getting injured. They help reduce the impact of shots, protect your knees from scrapes and bruises, and prevent blisters. They can also reduce the soreness you feel after playing, as well as enable you to play longer without experiencing any discomfort.

It’s very likely that you can tumble over or slip while paintballing, aside from getting shot. So wear knee pads to safeguard your knees.

How to Treat Knee and ligament injuries

Knee injuries are typically caused by hyperextension or lateral bending of the knee, while ligament injuries usually involve tears in muscles or connective tissue that attach one bone to another.

Hyperextension occurs when you suddenly extend your leg beyond its natural range of motion. Ligament tear most often happens as a result of twisting forces on the joint. This can be aggravated by focusing all your energy on shooting rather than staying upright and balanced during play.

To prevent these types of injuries, it is important to stay aware of your surroundings at all times and master proper body positioning throughout gameplay. 

Avoid over-extending your knees, using excessive force when throwing balls, striving for perfect aim every time you shoot, and aggressively defending yourself against opponents without thinking about the consequences first!


Where do paintballs hurt the most?

Paintball pellets can travel at speeds and hurt badly in some body parts. It hurts the most in sensitive areas like the tops and back of the head, neck, inner thighs, eyes, and ears.

Can a paintball break your finger?

Yes, a paintball can break your finger if it shoots at more than 300 Feet Per Second. But don’t get worried because it’s not allowed to shoot at more than 280 FPS in paintballing. 

What does getting hit by a paintball feel like?

Paintballs are capsules filled with non-toxic food-grade jelly. So usually, you will feel just a sting if you get hit with it if you have to wear proper clothing and gear. But on bare skin, it will cause lots of pain and lead to paintball bruises and welts. 

What happens if a paintball hits your skin?

What happens if a paintball hits your skin depends on the type of clothing you were wearing and how much speed the paintball was shotted. If you get hitted with a paintball on bare skin, you will see red marks or scars like bruises on the hitted area, but wearing safety equipment will cause only a little pain and discoloration that vanishes with time.

Do paintballs break the skin?

Unfortunately, that does occasionally happen. The probability of skin breaking, however, is influenced by a number of criteria, including the paintball’s brittleness, layers of clothing, the kind of skin, and the distance from which a shot is taken.

Will I bleed when get hit by paintballs?

Yes, you can bleed if a paintball hits a delicate area of your body, such as your nose or eyes. That’s why it’s always advised to wear protective gear.


There you have it, folks! 

It appears that the paintball injuries are bruises, cuts, twisted ankles, etc. Now that you know what is the most common injury in paintball and ways to prevent injuries, so, you should not take unnecessary risks. Although the most common injuries in paintball are often minor, they can cause a lot of problems. So, get ready with proper protective equipment, follow the safety tips, and always wear padded clothes while playing so that any injury can be slowed down as possible.