The best bore size for a paintball barrel is subjective and depends on personal preference and playing style. However, a popular and commonly used bore size is .689 inches.

This size provides a good balance between accuracy and efficiency. Having a properly sized barrel bore helps to minimize ball breaks and maintain consistency in shot accuracy. It is essential to consider factors like the type of paintballs you use, weather conditions, and the specific marker you own when choosing a barrel bore size.

Experimenting with different sizes and seeking advice from experienced players can help you find the ideal bore size that suits your needs.

Understanding Paintball Barrel Bore Size

When it comes to selecting the best bore size for your paintball barrel, it’s crucial to have a good understanding of its impact on performance. The bore size of a paintball barrel refers to the inner diameter of the barrel, which has a direct effect on ball-to-barrel efficiency and velocity. To help you make an informed decision, let’s delve into the details of paintball barrel bore size and how it influences your gameplay.

Defining Paintball Barrel Bore Size and its Impact on Performance

In simple terms, paintball barrel bore size refers to the inner diameter of the barrel. It is typically measured in thousandths of an inch (caliber). The bore size has a direct impact on the performance of your paintball marker. An optimal bore size ensures efficient ball-to-barrel fit and helps maximize the velocity and accuracy of your shots.

Explaining How Bore Size Affects Ball-to-Barrel Efficiency and Velocity

The bore size of your paintball barrel plays a crucial role in determining ball-to-barrel efficiency and velocity. When the bore size matches the size of the paintballs, it creates a tighter seal, preventing excessive airflow that could lead to velocity inconsistencies. On the other hand, if the bore size is too large, it can cause the paintballs to wobble inside the barrel, resulting in decreased accuracy and lower velocity.

By selecting the right bore size for your paintball barrel, you can ensure that there is minimal wasted air, maximizing the efficiency of each shot. This not only improves the overall performance of your marker but also enhances your accuracy on the field. It’s important to note that different types of paintballs may have slightly varying sizes, and therefore, finding the best bore size that matches your preferred paintballs is essential for optimal performance.

Ultimately, choosing the best bore size for your paintball barrel is a combination of experimentation and understanding the characteristics of your paintballs. It’s recommended to consult with experienced players or seek advice from paintball professionals to find the optimal bore size based on your specific marker and the type of paintballs you typically use.

Remember, the right bore size can make a significant difference in the accuracy and velocity of your shots, ultimately enhancing your overall paintball gameplay experience. So, take the time to experiment and find the perfect bore size that suits your needs and preferences.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Bore Size

Analyzing the type of paintballs used and their corresponding bore size requirements

When it comes to choosing the right bore size for your paintball barrel, analyzing the type of paintball used is crucial. Different paintball brands and models may have specific requirements for bore size in order to achieve optimal accuracy and consistency. It is recommended to check the manufacturer’s guidelines or consult with experienced players to determine the appropriate bore size for your specific paintballs. Matching the right bore size with your paintballs will result in improved performance on the field.

Considering the paintball gun’s internal dimensions for optimal performance

Another important factor to consider when choosing a bore size is the internal dimensions of your paintball gun. Each paintball gun has its own unique design and internal barrel dimensions. It is essential to ensure that the bore size you select is compatible with your paintball gun’s internal dimensions. This will help optimize the gun’s performance and prevent any potential issues such as paintball breaks or inconsistent shots.

One way to determine the compatibility of the bore size with your paintball gun’s internal dimensions is to refer to the manufacturer’s specifications or user manual. These resources usually provide information on the recommended bore size range for the specific gun model. Additionally, you can seek advice from experienced players or consult with a professional technician who can offer valuable insights and assistance in selecting the appropriate bore size.

In conclusion, when choosing a bore size for your paintball barrel, it is essential to analyze the type of paintballs used and their corresponding bore size requirements. Additionally, considering the paintball gun’s internal dimensions for optimal performance is crucial. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that you make an informed decision and enjoy improved accuracy and consistency during your paintball games.

The Relationship Between Bore Size And Accuracy

Examining how bore size affects ball trajectory and accuracy

When it comes to paintball, accuracy is the key to success on the field. One factor that plays a significant role in determining accuracy is the bore size of your paintball barrel. The bore size refers to the diameter of the inner bore of the barrel, which affects the trajectory and accuracy of the paintballs.

The general rule of thumb is that a tighter bore size tends to improve accuracy. With a tighter bore size, the paintball has less room to move around and deviate from its intended path. This means that the ball is less likely to experience air turbulence and is more likely to fly straight. On the other hand, a wider bore size can lead to inconsistent flight patterns and decreased accuracy.

Discussing the role of barrel back length in improving accuracy

In addition to the bore size, the length of the barrel back also plays a crucial role in improving accuracy. The barrel back refers to the section of the barrel that extends from the marker and houses the paintballs. A longer barrel back provides additional control over the airflow around the ball, resulting in improved accuracy.

When the ball leaves the barrel, it is surrounded by a cushion of air that can influence its trajectory. A longer barrel back allows for a smoother transition of air around the ball, reducing turbulence and potential deviations. This results in a more consistent and accurate shot.

It’s important to note that while the bore size and barrel back length are both important factors, they should be chosen based on the type of paintballs you are using. Different brands and types of paintballs may have variations in size, so it is crucial to choose the appropriate bore size and barrel back length to achieve the best fit.

In conclusion, the relationship between bore size and accuracy in paintball barrels is clear. A tighter bore size and a longer barrel back can greatly improve accuracy by reducing air turbulence and providing better control over the ball’s trajectory. When selecting a paintball barrel, it’s important to consider these factors and choose a configuration that is suitable for your specific needs and paintball type.

What Bore Size Paintball Barrel is the Best

Finding The Perfect Bore Size For Different Paintball Scenarios

When it comes to paintball, the right bore size for your barrel can significantly impact your gameplay. Finding the perfect bore size for different paintball scenarios can enhance your accuracy and overall performance on the field. In this blog post, we will explore various bore size recommendations for different playing environments, discussing the advantages of larger bore sizes for scenario and woodsball games.

Exploring various bore size recommendations for different playing environments

Choosing the correct bore size for your paintball barrel is crucial for optimized performance. Different bore sizes work best in specific playing environments. Here are some recommendations to consider:

  1. Tournament/Speedball: In this fast-paced, competitive environment, smaller bore sizes between 0.679 and 0.684 are recommended. These sizes provide a tight fit for the paintballs, minimizing air leaks and offering improved accuracy.
  2. Scenario/Woodsball: For more realistic gameplay, larger bore sizes, such as 0.689 and above, are preferred. These sizes are well-suited for shooting through foliage or in situations where paintballs may be slightly misshapen.
  3. Mixed Environments: If you frequently switch between tournament and scenario games, a versatile bore size of around 0.685 is a good option. This size offers a balance between tighter fitting and ability to accommodate slightly irregular paintballs.

Discussing the advantages of larger bore sizes for scenario and woodsball games

Choosing a larger bore size for scenario and woodsball games can provide several advantages. Here are a few reasons why a larger bore size may be beneficial:

  • Increased Accuracy: Larger bore sizes allow for less friction between the paintball and the barrel, reducing the chances of barrel breaks. This results in a more consistent and accurate shot, especially when dealing with uneven or poorly shaped paintballs.
  • Better Performance in Challenging Environments: In scenario and woodsball games, players often encounter dense foliage, branches, or other obstacles. With a larger bore size, paintballs are less likely to get deflected or affected by these obstacles, ensuring a more reliable shot.
  • Improved Reliability: Larger bore sizes are less sensitive to dirt, debris, and moisture, making them more reliable in outdoor environments, where these factors are more prevalent. This can help prevent barrel jams and keep you in the game.

Ultimately, the best bore size for your paintball barrel will depend on your playing style and the specific scenarios you participate in. Experimenting with different bore sizes can help you find the perfect fit for your needs. Remember, consistency and accuracy are key in paintball, so finding the right bore size is a worthwhile investment in your gameplay.

Common Misconceptions About Bore Size

Debunking myths surrounding bore size and its impact on performance

When it comes to paintball barrels, one of the most debated topics is bore size. Many players have misconceptions about how bore size affects performance on the field. Let’s debunk some common myths surrounding bore size and its impact on your paintball game.

Addressing misconceptions about overboring and underboring

Some players believe that overboring or underboring can significantly impact accuracy and efficiency. However, this is not entirely true. Overboring refers to using a barrel with a bore size larger than the paintball’s diameter, while underboring refers to using a barrel with a bore size smaller than the paintball’s diameter.

Contrary to popular belief, overboring or underboring will not drastically affect accuracy. In fact, using the correct barrel back or insert size for your paintballs can actually improve accuracy. When the bore size matches the paintball diameter, it creates a better seal and ensures consistent airflow, resulting in better shot-to-shot consistency.

Underboring is often preferred by players seeking more efficiency. By using a slightly smaller bore size, the paintballs experience less air turbulence and require less air pressure to propel them forward. This can result in increased efficiency and reduced air consumption during gameplay.

  • Myth: Overboring or underboring significantly impacts accuracy.
  • Fact: Using the correct barrel back or insert size improves accuracy.
  • Myth: Underboring decreases efficiency.
  • Fact: Underboring can increase efficiency by reducing air consumption.

However, it’s essential to find the right balance. Overboring too much can lead to additional barrel breaks as the paintball doesn’t have enough friction to engage the rifling or gain stability. On the other hand, underboring too much can result in increased barrel breaks as the tight fit can cause stress on the paintball shell.

To find the optimal bore size for your paintball barrel, consider factors such as paintball brand, temperature, and humidity. Experiment with different bore sizes and observe the performance to determine the most suitable option for your playing style and conditions.

How To Properly Measure And Determine Bore Size

Providing step-by-step instructions for measuring and determining the correct bore size

For paintball enthusiasts, choosing the right bore size for their paintball barrel is crucial in order to optimize accuracy and efficiency on the field. In this section, we will guide you through the process of properly measuring and determining the correct bore size for your paintball barrel.

  1. Gather the necessary tools: To start, you will need a caliper, also known as a micrometer, to accurately measure the inner diameter of your paintballs. Make sure your caliper is properly calibrated before use.
  2. Prepare the paintball: Take a paintball and ensure it is clean and round. Any deformities or excess paint can affect the accuracy of your measurements.
  3. Measure the paintball: Using your caliper, carefully place the measuring tips on opposite sides of the paintball. Gently close the caliper until it makes contact with the paintball, taking care not to squeeze it too tightly.
  4. Record the measurement: Once you have achieved a precise measurement, take note of the inner diameter displayed on your caliper. This measurement will determine the correct bore size for your paintball barrel.

Discussing the use of barrel inserts and bore sizing kits for precise measurements

To ensure the most precise bore sizing, many paintball players rely on barrel inserts or bore sizing kits. These tools allow for customization by using interchangeable inserts with different bore sizes.

Barrel inserts: Barrel inserts are cylindrical pieces that fit inside the paintball barrel. They come in various sizes, allowing players to achieve a perfect match between the paintball and the barrel. The insert with the closest bore size to the measured paintball diameter will provide the best performance.

Bore sizing kits: Bore sizing kits are sets of barrel inserts that cover a wide range of bore sizes. By using a bore sizing kit, players can experiment with different inserts to find the most optimal match for their paintball barrel. This allows for versatility and fine-tuning based on the specific paintballs being used.

When using barrel inserts or bore sizing kits, it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Improper use or incorrect sizing can lead to decreased accuracy and performance on the field.

By properly measuring and utilizing barrel inserts or bore sizing kits, paintball players can ensure that their paintballs travel smoothly and accurately through the barrel, resulting in improved accuracy and overall gameplay performance. Mastering the art of bore sizing will elevate your paintball experience to the next level.

Pros And Cons Of Different Bore Sizes

Comparing the Benefits and Drawbacks of Different Bore Sizes

When it comes to choosing the right bore size for your paintball barrel, it’s important to carefully consider the pros and cons of each option. Different bore sizes can have varying impacts on accuracy, efficiency, and paintball breakage. In this section, we will analyze the trade-offs between these factors to help you make an informed decision.


One of the primary factors to consider when choosing a bore size is its impact on accuracy. The bore size of a paintball barrel refers to the diameter of the inner barrel. A smaller bore size tends to provide a tighter fit for the paintball, which can lead to increased accuracy. This is because a snug fit reduces the chances of the paintball wobbling as it travels through the barrel, resulting in a more consistent trajectory.

However, it’s important to note that too small of a bore size can lead to issues with barrel breaks. Barrel breaks occur when the paintball smashes against the inside of the barrel, causing it to rupture. This can significantly decrease accuracy and can also be frustrating during gameplay.


Efficiency is another important factor to consider. Bore size can have an impact on how efficiently the paintball marker uses air or gas to propel the paintball. A smaller bore size generally requires less air or gas to propel the paintball, resulting in increased efficiency. This means you can shoot more paintballs per tank fill, which can be advantageous during longer games or tournaments.

On the other hand, using a larger bore size may require more air or gas to achieve the same level of performance. This can decrease efficiency and potentially result in more frequent tank refills.

Paintball Breakage

The issue of paintball breakage is closely tied to both accuracy and efficiency. As mentioned earlier, using a smaller bore size can lead to a tighter fit and potentially improve accuracy. However, it can also increase the risk of paintball breakage.

When a paintball has a snug fit in the barrel, it is more susceptible to breaking upon impact. This can be particularly problematic when playing in colder temperatures or using paintballs that are sensitive to moisture. In such conditions, a larger bore size may be more suitable as it allows for a looser fit, reducing the chances of barrel breaks.

In conclusion, choosing the best bore size for your paintball barrel is a matter of balancing accuracy, efficiency, and paintball breakage. It’s important to consider the trade-offs between these factors and find the right balance that suits your playing style, field conditions, and paintball preferences. Experimenting with different bore sizes and seeking advice from seasoned players or professionals can also help you make a more informed decision for maximum performance on the field.

Upgrading Your Paintball Barrel For Optimal Performance

Discussing the advantages of upgrading to a barrel with different bore size options

Upgrading your paintball barrel is a smart move for any serious paintball player. A crucial aspect to consider when upgrading is the bore size of the barrel. The bore size refers to the inner diameter of the barrel and plays a significant role in determining the accuracy and efficiency of your shots. Let’s explore the advantages of upgrading to a barrel with different bore size options.

  • Improved accuracy: Upgrading to a barrel with the right bore size can greatly enhance your accuracy on the paintball field. A barrel that matches the size of your paintballs helps to reduce barrel breaks and inconsistencies in shot trajectory, resulting in more accurate shots.
  • Increased efficiency: Another advantage of upgrading to a barrel with different bore size options is improved efficiency. A barrel that matches the size of your paintballs allows for a better air-to-paintball ratio, ensuring that each shot is propelled with optimal force while minimizing air wasted around the paintball.
  • Reduced ball rollouts: Ball rollouts occur when a paintball rolls out of the barrel before it is fired. This can lead to velocity inconsistencies and reduced accuracy. By upgrading to a barrel with the right bore size, you can minimize ball rollouts and maintain a consistent velocity for each shot.
  • Compatibility with various paintball guns: Aftermarket barrel options are available for a wide range of paintball guns, and they come in different bore sizes to ensure compatibility. Whether you own a Tippmann, Dye, Planet Eclipse, or any other popular paintball gun, you can find a compatible aftermarket barrel option that suits your needs.

Now that we’ve discussed the advantages of upgrading to a barrel with different bore size options, let’s explore some of the popular aftermarket barrel options and their compatibility with different paintball guns.

Exploring popular aftermarket barrel options and their compatibility with different paintball guns

When it comes to choosing an aftermarket barrel, it’s important to consider compatibility with your paintball gun. Here are some popular aftermarket barrel options and their compatibility:

Barrel OptionCompatibility
Xpaintball Pro BarrelCompatible with most Tippmann, Dye, and Planet Eclipse paintball guns
Freak Barrel KitCompatible with a wide range of paintball guns including Empire, Bob Long, and Smart Parts
Lapco BigShot Assault BarrelCompatible with Tippmann A5, X7, and 98 Custom paintball guns
Dye Ultralite BarrelCompatible with most high-end paintball guns including Dye M2, CS2, and Proto Rize

There are many more aftermarket barrel options available on the market, so it’s important to do some research and choose the barrel that best suits your paintball gun and playing style. Upgrading to a high-quality barrel with the right bore size can make a significant difference in your paintball performance.

In conclusion, upgrading your paintball barrel is a worthwhile investment for improving accuracy, efficiency, and overall performance on the field. Choosing a barrel with the right bore size is key to maximizing these benefits. Consider the advantages discussed and explore the compatibility of popular aftermarket barrel options to find the best fit for your paintball gun.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Size Barrel Is Best For Paintball?

The best size barrel for paintball depends on personal preference and playing style. It is recommended to try different bore sizes to find the one that works best for you.

What Is The Best Bore For Paintball?

The best bore size for paintball depends on various factors such as the brand and size of paintballs, weather conditions, and player preference. It is recommended to match the paintball diameter with the bore size of the barrel for optimal accuracy.

Does A Longer Barrel Increase Accuracy Paintball?

A longer barrel does not necessarily increase accuracy in paintball.

What Is The Most Common Paintball Diameter?

The most common paintball diameter is. 68 caliber.


Finding the best bore-size paintball barrel can greatly impact your paintball game. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, considering factors like paintball diameter, accuracy, and barrel length can help you make an informed decision. Remember to choose a barrel that matches your playing style and preferences.

Experimenting with different bore sizes can further enhance your shooting accuracy. So, go ahead and try different barrels to find your perfect fit and take your paintball game to the next level.