Our Player

Welcome to the Team of BattleShooters.com! We are a close-knit group of passionate individuals who share an unbridled love for the exhilarating sport of paintball. Allow us to introduce the incredible individuals who make up our dedicated team of paintball enthusiasts.

Meet Joseph, our fearless leader and the driving force behind BattleShooters.com. With years of experience in the paintball world, Joseph’s expertise and passion for the sport are evident in every aspect of our website. His vision of creating a platform to share the joy and excitement of paintball with the world has brought us all together.

Joseph Brent
Author Joseph Brent
  • Name: Joseph Brent
  • Age: 24 Years old
  • Adress: 802 B Street
    Shoreview, MN 55126
  • Email: [email protected]

Joseph Brent is an avid paintball player and gamer. He love Paintball, Video Game and Technology. He also play the latest games on his PS4 whenever he can!

“I love the adrenaline rush of paintball.”

Next, we have Leon, our resident gear guru. With her extensive knowledge of paintball equipment and accessories, Leon is our go-to person for all things gear-related. Whether you’re a beginner looking for recommendations or a seasoned player seeking an upgrade, Leon’s expertise and insights will guide you toward making informed decisions.

Leon Bronson
Leon Bronson
  • Name: Leon B. Bronson
  • Age: 25 years old
  • Adress: 2452 Blair Court,
    Bunceton, MO 65237
  • Email: [email protected]

Leon’s favorite thing is playing paintball with his friends on weekends, but he also enjoys going out solo. By profession he is marketing professional.
“I like running around in a paintball battle.”

Meet James, our tactical mastermind. As a seasoned player and strategist, James brings a wealth of knowledge in paintball tactics and game strategies. His deep understanding of the game dynamics and keen sense of teamwork make him an invaluable asset to our team. James’s tips and tricks will help you elevate your gameplay and outsmart your opponents on the battlefield.

James Ferro
Author James Ferro
  • Name: James Ferro
  • Age: Age 25 Years old
  • Adress: 104 Cinnamon Lane
  • San Antonio, TX 78209
  • Email: [email protected]

James Ferro is a storyteller, outdoor enthusiast and avid gamer. he spends his free time camping, hiking and gaming.

“I’m not a big fan of guns, But paintball is fun.”

Last but certainly not least, we have Miles, our resident events and tournament enthusiast. Miles’s passion for competitive paintball and his dedication to keeping up with the latest events and tournaments are evident in his contributions to BattleShooters.com. His in-depth coverage and analysis of paintball competitions will keep you updated on the thrilling world of competitive play.

Tyrone Miles
Author - Tyrone Miles
  • Name: Tyrone Miles
  • Age: 26 Years old
  • Adress: 2022 Timberbrook Lane
    Denver, CO 80239
  • Email: [email protected]

Tyrone Miles is a video game designer and avid gamer who has been designing games for over 5 years. He loves everything about the gaming industry, from playing to creating games.

“I like to shoot the enemy, but I don’t want them to die.”

Together, as a team, we strive to provide you with the most engaging, informative, and enjoyable paintball experience. We are united by our love for the sport and our commitment to sharing our knowledge and experiences with fellow paintball enthusiasts worldwide.

At BattleShooters.com, we invite you to join our vibrant community and embark on an exciting journey with us. Whether you’re a beginner seeking guidance, an experienced player looking to refine your skills, or simply someone who shares our passion for paintball, we welcome you with open arms. Together, let’s celebrate the spirit of paintball and create lasting memories on and off the field.