When you see some guys shoot each other with paintball guns, do you ever ask yourself what they’re doing? Don’t they get hurt? Especially when your child wants to play paintball, you probably have some concerns. So, is paintball safe for kids? The good news is that paintball is safe and the best action sport for kids. Because according to the rules, kids must play with lower-caliber pallets, so they don’t get hurt. 

However, there are some safety tips you need to watch out. Let’s take a deep look at the safety aspects of paintball to find out more.

Is Paintball Safe For Kids?

Many people love playing paintball in the backyard, but you wouldn’t think bringing your child to a real-life game would be a good idea. It’s hard for parents not to worry about their children’s safety. But luckily, paintball is safe for kids. Statistics show that 45 injuries occurred out of 100000 participants. That’s a rate of .000045. That means it’s 99.995% safe for kids to play paintball, and the risk of injury is minimal.

With proper supervision, paintball is not dangerous to anyone. Not only is it fun, but it’s also an excellent way for your child to learn about teamwork and cooperation. Kids can certainly compete in tournaments the same way older players do. As long as kids wear protective gear, they can have as much fun in the game as anyone else.

What Age Can A Child Play Paintball?

Age limit is a big factor in the paintball industry, though almost all ages man can play this game. Kids as young as 12 can play paintball, but it’s always best for children to test out an activity before getting in too deep. Before their first game, you should get them to run through a few drills and learn the basics of the game. 

This will help them feel more comfortable when they come up against opponents for the first time.  For kids, I recommend starting with a low-pressure game. Once they’ve tried it out, they’ll know whether they want to continue with the sport or not.

Is Paintball Suitable For 10-Year-Olds?

Paintball is a game that requires some strength and stamina for older children, although it’s possible to play with kids of all ages. There are various factors to consider, but one of the most important is the age of your children. It can be risky for young children because they’ve less experience and less developed motor skills than older children.

However, 10-year-old kids can play the game. Before buying paintball equipment, make sure your kids understand the difference between real guns and paintballs. As you can imagine, it’s better to play with your children with a group of their friends. The risks are minimized when children play with other people they know. It’s also vital for first-timers and parents to get some practice at home before going out to a field for the first time.

Is Paintballing Painful For Kids?

Paintballing is fun, but it can be painful depending on how you’re hit. Paintball guns shoot at ranges of up to 280 feet per second, so getting hit in a very painful spot is possible. 

However, kids have to play with softer pallet guns that travel much slower than an adult paintball gun. That’s why the pain is minimal and goes away quickly.

Inherent Risks of Paintball for Kids

Though paintball is considered a safe activity for children, it poses an inherent risk. Since paintballs aren’t just filled with water, they can leave behind the potential for stings, welts, bruises, and injuries. This is why it’s so important for parents and guardians to understand the risks before allowing a child or young adult to play paintball.  Although rare, there have been cases of injury that stem from broken bones due to accidental falls and other injuries related to rough contact with other players.

Risks for kids include:

  • Injury to the eye
  • Causes severe ear injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Welts

What Should Kids Wear For Paintball?

Protection for kids is vital, and a good pair of boots can make a huge difference when playing paintball. Kids should wear clothes that make it easier for them to move. Here are some outfits that would be good:

Paintball Mask

To protect the face from shots, kids must wear a mask. This will also protect their nose area from paintballs.

Goggles and Gloves

Gloves give protection to the hands when shooting. It’s best to wear mittens because putting your hands in your pockets can cause you to drop your gun and hurt yourself. Goggles are worn to protect the eyes from any small pieces of bright paint that may get into them. A good pair of goggles can also help players see their enemies better.

Combat Boot

The primary purpose of the combat boot is to help keep them warm, but one of its most important jobs is that it can prevent ankles from being stepped on. 

This particular pair of boots are also waterproof, so if they get splashed with paint, it won’t come into their shoes.

Knee Pads

It prevents pain and injuries in the lower parts of the knees. This can prevent sprained ligaments, broken bones, and any other injuries.

Safety gear

Players should also wear all of their safety gear. The primary goal of wearing all safety gear is to keep the players from getting hurt.

Long Pants and Sleeve Shirt

Long pants, like the ones shown above, will protect the player’s body, and the long sleeves shirt will protect their arms.

What Safety Precautions Should Parents Take?

While a few paintball safety tips help keep your child safe, these precautions must be taken into account before planning any event, regardless of age.

Aside from ensuring a child wears proper protective equipment, they should also make sure kids know the safety rules before playing paintball.

Always have water nearby to wash out any paint that gets into their eyes or on their skin. If they tire easily, give them light-colored clothing, so they don’t get overheated. It’s also a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand, just in case.

Paint Ball Tips for Kids from Experts

To become a great paintball player, you need to learn the basics. This will help you perfect your game, build your confidence, and have a lot of fun. Here are the best tips for kids’ play:

Work Together

This is one of the best tips for kids. To learn to play paintball well, you must work with the other players. This will help you become a good team player.


Paintball is a great game to play. You can have fun playing this game, but you must have the right attitude. You’ll soon become a good player if you play with a good attitude.

Work On Your Aim

The aim is fundamental in paintball. If you want to become a champion, then you should work on your aim. This will help improve your aim and become a better player.

It’s Ok to Get Shot

You should be willing to get hit by a paintball when you play paintball. This is just a part of the game. 

The best way to learn how to shoot is to come up against someone with a good aim. This will give you the experience you need without taking too many paintball hits.

Use Coaching Sessions to Help

It’s always a good idea to use coaching sessions for help. Follow your coach’s instructions when preparing for the game.


Can adults play with kids in paintball?

Adults can play with kids in paintball. If you’re 18 or older and playing with kids under 12, the paintball game field must have an adult supervisor on-site.

Does paintball hurt more than airsoft?

Yes, paintball hurts much more than airsoft. Paintball guns shoot balls of paint at high fps, which can cause painful welts, as opposed to airsoft guns that shoot plastic BBs and cannot cause welts.

Final Word

As a parent, it’s essential to know the risks of playing paintball as your children grow up. Is paintball safe for kids? Paintball is still one of the safest sports when it comes to injuries.

There are many myths surrounding paintball, and there are risks involved with it. However, when you look at the whole picture, the benefits of playing paintball outweigh the risks.

So, I hope this article can help you make the right decisions about playing paintball with your kids.