The center is one of the most critical positions on a paintball field. I do play the center. But when it comes to playing in a tournament or big event, you’ll need more than just your ego and bravado. So, how to play paintball in the center?

You’ve to cope with some strategies while playing in the center position. Bumping into the bunker, taking knee, aggressive playing, covering the open place, etc. are the common things you need to keep in mind while playing in the center. 

Hence, there’s more to this center position. Let’s get into detail.

How To Play Paintball In The Center

The Center player is responsible for leading the charge and taking out the enemy team’s back players. If you want to be a thriving center player, there are a few things you need to do.

  1. Bumping Into The Bunker

One of the things that you want to be careful of is bumping into the bunker. This is something that will tell the other team that now, yes, you’re here. 

If you’re running up, you want to be mindful of that watch over the top of the bunker to ensure that the paint isn’t coming in, but when you come up, if you’re sliding up. 

Let’s say you don’t want to crash into the bunker and let everyone know that now you’re at the center. You want it to be that you can come up and still play tight, but you don’t bump into it. 

  1. Taking A Knee 

So it could be when you’re standing, but it also could be when you’re taking a knee for this particular setup that marks them all paintball has herein. 

They’ve a center opening where you always want to be mindful of your feet. I don’t want it to be that my foot is sticking out. And that now someone can shoot me through the center, and now I’m a dead player. 

So you want to be mindful that the corners will start coming up on the bunkers a little bit, so you don’t want it to be that, okay, I’m safe here.

  1. Trust Your Teammates

So something else that playing center is you need to trust the guys behind you. You need to hear whatever communication is happening. 

This is one of those positions like I had mentioned, that you don’t want to talk unless they know for sure that you’re here or you’ve killed. 

You know, you’ve done your job with one or two guys or something like that. If I’m sitting here and I hear my teammates say something, I’m going to start nodding my head so that way, yeah, okay, I listen to you. 

So, if they’re looking over, they see I know what’s happening. But I don’t want to say anything because I don’t want it to be that now the other side of the field can hear me, especially if someone is on the other side of this bunker.

  1. Be Aggressive

The thing with putting Center is it is a very bloody position. It’s one of those that you’re going to be bunkered, and you’re going to go in bunker people. It’s one of those that if you don’t like to have that kind of thing happen to you. 

Crush it and play the Center. I like how aggressive it can be, so it can be fun just to run through and bunker someone. 

So that being said, if you feel something kind of move a little bit, that might be a clue that someone is on the other side of the field. That’s when you want to look through to see, okay, how can I go and bunker this guy and stay alive? 

It might be going around on the outside, and it might just be coming around, and I can go bang shoot him and then come back and unprotected, or I might need to commit and go straight through.

  1. Cover The Open Place

The other thing is don’t forget about when you have openings. This is something that I can look through to see about the next thing that I want to talk about, which is playing the whole bunker. 

So there’s going to be times where I need to actually do this and look and see what it is on the other side of the field. 

Because maybe I need to hop over and help out my team. Perhaps they say they just moved up. That’s going to be something that might clear or be a clue to me, okay? I need to be the one that goes over and stops that guy. Check out everything to ensure you’re protected and can over- okay. 

Something else that I wanted to make sure that you guys are mindful of is these things. These bungees and sometimes it’ll happen when the flop kind of opens up or the plug is on your side of the center and also these bungees.

  1. Move Over The Side

So again, like I was saying, you want it to be that when you’re playing the center bunker, that it’s something that you want to play all of the bunkers.

Now there might be some times that like you can see this gap here you can see it from this Dorito and this move. So maybe that’s a spot where I can sit and post and wait for that guy to come through once I shoot him.

Then I can wrap and start, and you know, doing damage up the center of the field. But if you know that there is someone in a particular position that you can shoot at, it’s going to be good for you to move over to that side of the field. 

But make it so that the other guy doesn’t know you’re there. If that makes sense, you want it to be that you can move back and forth so that they lose you.

  1. Practice

There will be times when you may make mistakes, and that’s okay. Remember, I practice it to make mistakes. 

This is something that I think some players get so upset about that they want to be these practice superstars instead of how do I get better in this situation instead of trying to figure out.

I got shot, but why oh, if that’s you, that’s something you have to get over mentally. That’s when it becomes an issue if you have the same mistake a couple of times in a row. That’s on you now.

What Is The Best Paintball Strategy?

The best paintball strategy is to use a tactical approach and plan ahead. When you plan your strategy, you will know exactly what to do in every situation. This means that you will be able to use the game space more efficiently and effectively.

  • Teamwork and communication
  • Keep moving 
  • Focus on your team
  • Don’t overheat
  • Avoid unnecessary confrontations
  • Don’t get caught in traps (like bunkers)
  • Know how to clear bunkers and other enemy locations effectively


How do you shoot a paintball gun faster?

Shoot as fast as you can to load your paintballs automatically. Speed up the reloading process. Use a more powerful FPS (feet per second) paintball gun with better accuracy to shoot with speed, precision, and power.

How can I make my paintball gun more accurate?

Install a longer barrel for more accurate shots over a distance. Use less paintball velocity for more accuracy. Try a different paintball gun setup like a sniper or pump action gun with a more powerful paintball gun.

How fast do paintballs travel?

Paintballs leave the barrel of a paintball gun at speeds up to 300 feet per second. Paintballs are not harmful if they hit your clothing or get into your mouth; however, paintball impacts on the eyes can cause damage.

All Credit: How To Play Paintball


How to play paintball in the center? Playing paintball in the center can make the game more exciting. You can play it with friends and have a lot of fun.   

There are a few things to remember when playing in the center, such as using cover and being aware of your surroundings. By following these tips, you can have a great time playing paintball in the center of the map.