It’s no secret that paintball is a very competitive sport. Some players have spent years honing their skills in this activity and have become “professional” based on the level of competition they can play at and make lots of money.  So, how much do professional paintballers make

It depends on the player’s skill level and the level of competition they’re playing in. Professional paintballers earn anywhere from $36,000 to $ 77,000 per year of play.

However, not all professional players can earn such an amount of money. We’ve shared in detail how much professional players make compared to the average paintball player. Let’s find out.

How Much Money Do Professional Paintballers Make?

When it comes to paintball, many people start as enthusiasts and eventually become competitive pros. Becoming a professional can be difficult for those who need a stable income, but the rewards are excellent. So, how much do professional paintballers make?

Professional players have bagged in enough cash over the years by competing in paintball tournaments and winning game-day prizes.

Amature-level pro players make $36,00 per year. Some professional players make much more than this; $ 77,000 is the average for mid-level professional paintball players.

The top-level pro players make $165,000 per year and so far, the highest-paid paintball players have made more than $500K per year.

Is There Such A Thing As Professional Paintball?

What exactly is a professional player? A pro paintballer who plays in tournaments represents their team, is highly active in paintball, and earns money by winning tournaments and cash prizes.

It’s getting more popular day by day. The number of professional players has also expanded over time. Organizers like Paintball Leagues or National Xball League arrange in-house tournaments for players to compete. They earn cash from the prize money and sponsorship.

Average Salary of Professional Paintball Players by State

Depending on the state and tournament, salaries vary. Salary can be categorized as hourly, weekly, monthly, and yearly.  Hourly salary depends on how much time you play in the field. 

However, weekly, monthly, and yearly salary based on contract. For example, you agree to play with a team on a $500 salary per week. 

This type of contract doesn’t count time. If you’ve to play only 1 hour in a week, you get all the money; even if you’ve to play over 40 hours, you get the same amount too.

The table given below shows the base salary per state:

StateHourly salaryWeekly salary (40 hours)Monthly salaryYearly salary
New Jersey$19.27$770$3,339$40,072
New York$18.55$741$3,215$38,581
Ohio $17.75$709$3,076$36,914
New Hampshire$17.50$700$3,034$36,410

List of Best Professional Players and Their Earnings

Oliver Lang is considered the best professional paintball players in the World. He plays for the Los Angeles Ironmen and Dynasty. His total career earnings are $1 Million – $5 Million. Besides him, we’ve listed the other top paintball players and their earnings.

  • Ryan Greenspan

Annual Earnings – $66,000

Ryan Greenspan, 39 years old, plays for the Dan Diego Dynasty. He’s the third top American player with more titles than any other player and one of the best paintball players in history.

  • Dave Bains

Annual Earnings: $70,000

Dave Bains has been a paintball pro for over 20 years. His intelligence and ability to eliminate players who threaten the team he plays for make him a valuable player.

  • Konstantin Fedorov

Annual Earnings: $88,500 – $1 Million

Konstantin Fedorov, 35 years of age, is a top Russian professional paintball player. He plays for the Houston Heat.

  • Oliver Lang

Annual Earnings: $1 Million 

Oliver Lang, who is 40 years of age, is an outstanding leader in the Professional Paintball League; he has won many world cup titles. He plays for the San Antonio X-Factor.

  • Jason Edwards

Annual Earnings: $1 Million – $2 Million

The Florida boy was known for his Avant-grade great paintball IQ. He played in several championships and did well in several of them. He played for Philly Americans, Miami Effect, and Miami Rage. 

Can You Play Paintball for a Living?

Professional paintballers made over $36,000 in one year alone. And while the salary isn’t enough to live on, it’s more than just a hobby: it’s a way of life.

As paintball continues to grow in popularity, more and more people are taking it seriously. However, for veterans of the sport, the question becomes: can you make a living playing paintball?

By now, you may have heard about numerous professional players who make a full-time living off of paintball. There’s no shortage of stories from highly decorated professionals who have turned their passion into a career.

Of course, not all professionals can make a living playing paintball, but many pro players appreciate the opportunity to make some extra money.

Can You Be a Professional Paintball Player?

There are plenty of opportunities for paintball players to turn pro. One way to become a professional paintball player is to start with the basics by playing in the amateur league.

Players with good fundamental skills will get a great start and then can improve as they continue to play in the league.

To get into the big event, you must have solid skills showing you can play at that level. This is the easiest way for new players to show their skills, but it can be difficult for amateurs to climb up through.

How Do You Become A Professional Paintball Player?

Learning to play professionally can be very fun, but it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Many try to make it into the paintball industry, but only a few succeed because it takes hard work and determination.

These are the things you want to look out for:

Learn the Basics

To succeed in a professional paintball league, you must learn the basics. You must learn how to load, shoot properly, and operate your paintball gun. You can learn these skills by yourself or with the help of a professional.

Join a Team

The best way to improve is to join a paintball team. This way, you’ll receive help from teammates and have more chances to compete in a practice game or a regular league.


You can also practice alone if you want. Watching professional paintball players is advisable because they’re very good at their work, and you can learn from them.

Learn Running and Shooting

To improve your skills, you must practice running and shooting. Try going to a range with friends and practicing shooting at an obstacle course to improve your shooting skills. Remember to run over uneven terrain rather than on even terrain.

Improve Your Fitness and Stamina

If you want to compete at the highest level of paintball, you must work on your physical fitness. Ideally, you want to be in good enough shape so that when it’s time to play, you can run around for hours without getting tired.

Learn Tactics and Strategies

Every game can go either way, so the most important thing is knowing how to play the game. If you don’t play with your team regularly, you should try and watch the other players on your team to analyze their style.

Also, try to play different positions in paintball to find out which one best suits you.

Don’t Give Up

When you start, it may seem like you’ll never get any better. However, if you keep trying and practicing, you’ll improve your skills as a player. You’ve to put in a little effort every day.


Is paintball considered a professional sport?

Yes, paintball is considered a professional sport. It’s a fast-growing sport, and it has a large following. Some players even make a living on it. Paintball competitions take place worldwide, and many teams exist in different countries.

How can I increase my accuracy when playing paintball?

To improve your accuracy, consider investing in a high-quality paintball gun and practice as often as possible.

Final Words

If you decide to be a pro paintball player and earn lots of money. Before that, think about how much do professional paintballers make. We’ve only discussed a rough estimate, but you can earn more if you can take yourself to the next level.

You should always base your decision to play professionally on your feelings. Is it something you want to pursue, or will it take away from other aspects of your life?

To become a pro paintball player, you can start by practicing and perfecting your skills. Once you reach a high enough level, you can take your performance to the next level by joining different pro teams.