When your opponent stands at a minimum of  300 feet or 100-meter distance from you, it’s almost impossible to hit and eliminate him. Because the distance between you and him is in absolute range, and as we know, when the opponent is in this range, the ammo may sometime hit him, but will bounce and fall down, won’t break upon him. It means he is not going to be eliminated. 

However, when seriously playing paintball or in a competition, hitting your opponents at more distance is essential to win the game. In that case, you can use a paintball sniper gun. Why a sniper gun? How far can a paintball sniper gun shoot?

Well, a paintball sniper gun can shoot 150+ meters that too with accuracy. How is it possible? Let’s know in detail. 

What Is A Paintball Sniper Gun?

A paintball sniper gun is designed with a special structure to shoot paintballs straighter and faster with more efficiency & accuracy. It has a longer barrel to reach more distance and trains & fields to stabilize the ammo flying.  This is called the first strike ammunition.

Unlike regular paintball guns, paintball sniper guns use special ammo called first-strike projectiles that almost looks like real bullets. These ammo are created with advanced technology. They have spiral-rifled fins at the rear, ensuring they spin in the air stably and fly straight and efficiently when fired.

Are Paintball Snipers Accurate?

Yes, paintball snipers are accurate, and the reason is its special ammo. As I said earlier, paintball snipers use first-strike rounds ammo having spiral rifled fins at the rear that accurately spin and hit the opponent. 

If you use regular paintballs on a paintball sniper, you will get accuracy like a regular shot. So, don’t get the misconception that as a paintball sniper has a longer barrel, it can shoot accurately. Yes, the barrel does affect the accuracy but not too much. The big influence on your paintball sniper’s shot being accurate is the paintball itself. 

So yes, paintball snipers are accurate, but when using first-strike paintballs, not regular ones

Can Paintball Guns Shoot Real Bullets/Pellets?

No paintball guns can’t shoot real bullets pellets. 

First, a paintball gun doesn’t have a firing mechanism compatible with shooting a real bullet or pellets. Paintball guns are just playing guns to hit the opponents and break the paint upon them, not to hit them badly.

Second, paintball gun barrels are too weak to handle the pressure and fire the bullet. Even if they shoot, the bullet can’t go a long way and hit the opponents. So it won’t be beneficial. 

Finally, the maximum caliber size of a paintball gun is .68 caliber, so a bullet can’t fit in a paintball gun. And if you get a similar size bullet, it still won’t work, as it will be a lot heavier than a paintball and will be tough to push and shoot with a paintball gun.

Can You Convert A Paintball Gun Into A Sniper Rifle?

Yes, you can convert a paintball gun into a sniper rifle by using a paintball sniper kit. Usually, the upgrade kits include an extended barrel and a suitable sight. Once you do this upgrade, the gun will be ready to use first-strike ammo. And as we know, the ammo is the reason for an accurate shot and makes the sniper rifle better than a regular paintball gun. 

So yes, you can use a sniper kit and upgrade your regular paintball gun into a sniper rifle to enjoy a sniper benefit. 

How far can a paintball gun shoot accurately?

A paintball gun can shoot up to 300 fps accurately. If you want, you can shoot at more speed than this, up to 500fps, the absolute range; but that won’t be accurate. 

In absolute range, the paint may hit the target but won’t burst. And in a safe range, 250-280fps, the paint will fly faster, hit the opponents, and break upon him. If the paint hits the target at this speed on bare skin, it will hurt badly and may cause bruises. 

However, don’t worry because most paintball fields don’t allow shooting more than 280 fps, and if you wear proper paintball gear and clothing, you won’t get hurt by getting hit by a paintball just a sting.

Final verdict

While there is no set distance at which a paintball sniper gun can shoot, most high-quality paintball snipers are capable of shooting up to 150+ meters efficiently and accurately. This means that, as long as you are aware of your surroundings and use proper shooting techniques, you can hit your opponents quite easily, regardless of their distance. This will make the game more exciting and challenging for players of all levels.

Now you know how far can a paintball sniper shoot, as well as a regular paintball gun, so it’s time to make the decision. 

If you want a better, more accurate, and long-distance shoot, purchase a high-quality paintball sniper gun, and if you don’t have a budget, still no worries. As   I already shared above, you can upgrade your regular paintball gun to a sniper paintball gun and enjoy its benefit without any restrictions.