It’s always a bit of a worry when you step out into a paintball field. Most players don’t know what to do when they play for the first time. They spend the first few rounds running around in a panic, trying to figure out how to get into the game. 

This can be discouraging for new players and even lead them to quit before they start playing. So I think the biggest thing I want to talk to you about right now is how to do the essential paintball tactics. Let’s get you started. 

How To Do The Essential Paintball Tactics

There are a few essential tactics that every paintball player should know. I’ll show you some critical paintball tactics to help you dominate the competition.

  1. Moves Towards The Objective

So it can be really confusing when you step out there. You’ve got the ref calling the game on this carnage going on everywhere. There are people shooting you don’t really know what to do. 

But the first thing I think anybody should do when they step out into a paintball field is to start making moves towards the objective, whether it’s an objective you have to take.

Whether it’s a flag you have to raise, it’s a castle you have to defend or whatever you do need to get to that prominent point. As far forward as you can and start making some moves.

  1. Keep Your Eyes Up

There are multiple different points where people can shoot back at us. What we need to do is we need to be really, really aware of where that paint is coming from, and the way we do that is by keeping our eyes up at all times.  

So the more active you’re and the more you stay out of your bunker, the more you can see. 

But obviously, the more you’re out of our bunker, the more risk that you’re going to pose as well. So we don’t want to risk ourselves as much. You know we want to risk ourselves as minimal as we have to. But whilst taking in as much information as we can.

  1. Stay Between Bunker

Right now is that it’s between you and the castle. And what we’re going to do is we’re gonna put that bunker between us and hope that by doing that, the people on the other side of this bunker aren’t going to be able to see us. 

So whether we’re right before that bunker or we’re still here, the people directly behind that bunker right in front of you aren’t going, to be honest.

  1. Head Up

Keep your head up when moving towards the bunker, and keep looking at where people are shooting it out. So if anyone from the left side starts shooting you, you can cut to the right a bit more. 

If anyone from the right starts doing it, you can do the same on the left. So when you use this, it’s come all the way into the bunker and obviously tries and touch them to get safe. 

When I’m right behind this bunker, I’m hoping that I’m going to be as safe as I can be, okay? 

So even if people are shooting up down at me, you know I need to make sure what my head’s lower but all my equipment in, I’ve got my feet in, and you know this is my safe spot right here, so I need to use these different safe spots.

  1. Use The Bunkers

Try to choose a good bunker where you can get closer to the opposition. But obviously, the lower down the bunker is, if it’s a small little bunker, you should going to have your head in the dirt. 

If there’s a bigger bunker, that’s usually a better one to go to, so give you more options. 

When you’re in a bunker to shoot back at the people, you’ve got a few different angles that you can shoot back at them from. If I’m safe, I’m shooting left-handed, and I’m coming out, and I’m shooting at a guy left-handed, but I keep coming out the opposite side. It’s going to be really obvious. 

Where I’m coming out, I want to try and do be a bit more elusive and outsmart those people shooting at me.

What Are The Best Strategies for Paintball?

When it comes to paintball, a few key strategies can help you come out on top. Here are some key strategies – 

  • Good Aim

First and foremost, you need to have a good aim. This may seem obvious, but it’s important to remember that paintballs are not bullets – they will not always go where you want them to. 

You need to be able to adjust your aim on the fly and account for things like wind and movement.

  • Timing Of Shooting 

Another critical strategy is knowing when to shoot and hold your fire. It’s often better to wait for players to expose themselves before shooting, as this gives you a better chance of hitting them. 

It’s also important to remember that you don’t have unlimited ammo, so don’t waste shots by spraying wildly in the hopes of hitting something.

  • Cover Yourself 

One final strategy to keep in mind is to use cover to your advantage. Paintballs can sting, so if you can find something to hide behind, do it. Some objects may stop paintballs, but they may also block your view or restrict your movement.


How do you not get hit in paintball?

To not get hit in paintball, you’ll need to wear protective gear, including a face mask and a chest protector. You should also make sure that your marker is well maintained.

Do splatter balls hurt?

Splatter balls hurt greatly, but it’s safer than getting hit with paintballs. It only make small holes, which are about the size of small BB pellets. They may not seem like much at first, but they do hurt.

What hurts more, BB or paintball?

It’s hypothesized that BBs feel more painful when they strike. Paintballs are cleaner and break apart upon impact, leaving a slightly “bruised” feeling but not necessarily more pain than any other pellet gun.


After reading this guide, you should understand how to do the essential paintball tactics. These key strategies will help you dominate the competition and come out on top. With practice, you can master these tactics and use them to your advantage in any game situation.

If you can master these essential paintball tactics, you will be well to becoming a successful paintball player.