Paintball is a game or sport where players shoot at each other with gelatin capsules that contain propel, carbon dioxide, glycerol, dye, etc. The velocity of the paintball is around 280 feet per second. So, it’s a matter of concern how the contents would react when shot.

Can paintballs cause injury? Yes, paintball can cause injury. The most common injuries are lacerations, welts, and bruises. 

Paintballs are considered non-lethal weapons, but they can still cause injuries. They’re just like any other small object which can cause injury to a person. 

Several factors will determine the severity of injury caused by a paintball, including velocity, area impacted, and material consistency. 

Paintballs are made up of gelatin capsules and propel. Gelatin is derived from pig skin and contains denatured collagen fibers

When gelatin comes in contact with skin, a chemical reaction takes place. The result of this reaction is a heat or a burning sensation. So you should know that paintballs can cause injuries if not appropriately settled.

How Common Are Paintball Injuries? 

About 4.5 people from 10000 are injured in paintball. Of these people, 94% are treated and released from the hospital. About 95% of injuries result in temporary damage.

The injury rate is the highest (4.9 injuries per 10 000 participants) among 18-24-year-old players, most of whom are male (94.0%). 85 % of the injury occurred is eye related. Most injuries are to the face, hands, fingers, and head/neck. 

The second most common site for paintball injuries was the foot/ankle area, followed by the upper arm and thigh injury. The most common cause of injuries are falls and direct contact with the paintball.

This table shows the age breakdown for paintball injuries statistics among 1000000 participants:

AgeNumber of injuries
Bellow 9 years old1
10 to 14 years old7
15 to 17 years old5
18 to 24 years old5
25 to 29 years old2
30 to 39 years old2
40 years and older1

Can You Get Seriously Injured in Paintball?

Unfortunately, you can — if you’re not careful. Paintball injuries can happen to anyone involved in the game, no matter how experienced they’re. 

And when a paintball hits another person’s eye, there is a greater risk of serious injury as it could cause permanent damage to their vision.

However, if you’re hit in the other part of your body, you need not worry. A paintball can indeed bruise your skin or break the skin, but it cannot cause permanent damage to your body.

Most Common Paintball Injuries People Face

You need to be prepared for all kinds of injuries if a paintball hits you. So before it happens, take note of some of the most common ones:

  • Bruised Skin

A paintball hitting your skin can cause bruising. However, it varies from person to person. For some people, bruises don’t show up for a few days. But for others, a paintball can cause a bruise in just a couple of hours or, sometimes, minutes after getting hit by one.

  • Eye Injuries

The injury is very painful and life-threatening if you’re hit in the eye with a paintball. A direct hit to your eye can cause an injury that may lead to permanent vision loss or blindness.

The most common eye injuries are cataracts, corneal scratches, swelling, commotio retina, and hemorrhages.

  • Ear injuries

A similar type of eye injury can also occur in your ear. Paintballs entering through the ears can cause serious hearing loss or dizziness.

  • Infection

You should also be prepared for the possibility of an infection caused by a paintball wound. Even though they’re rare, they can happen.

What Does Getting Hit By A Paintball Feel Like?

Many players report feeling a little sting when they’re hit, like an intense flick on the hand. Most people have just mild discomfort, which rapidly goes away. Typically paintball strikes are harmless, but sometimes they might leave a mark. 

The severity of the pain is determined by the velocity, trajectory, and location of the ball’s impact on your body. The discomfort will be greater if you get hit by any sensitive part of your body, including the face or eyes.

How Do I Stop Paintball Pain?

To prevent the pain from worsening, taking care of yourself during playtime is essential. Below are some tips to stop paintball pain: 

Wash the Affected Area

Wash the affected area with soap water after every play, which will help clean the area and prevent infection.

Applying Cold Pack 

To neutralize the pain, a cold pack effectively reduces it, so apply some ice on a towel or cloth and place it on the affected area. The pack will help in reducing the pain by constricting the blood vessel. 

Wash In Epsom Salt

A hot bath with Epsom salt can be an excellent way to reduce pain and swelling. Soak your injured body part in warm water mixed with Epsom salt, which will help relax your sore muscles.  

How To Stay Safe While Playing Paintball?

Paintball games are a fast-growing and exciting sport. It’s a lot of fun, but it also has its risks. Here are some safety rules while playing paintball: 

Use Eye protection

 It’s important to wear a pair of goggles to protect your eyes from paintballs and solvents. Never use glasses as a substitute for goggles, as they can cause damage to your eyes and increase eye strain.

Correct Wearing of Gear

You’ll need all gear in good condition and flexible clothing that can be pulled over your face without removing protection from your eyes or mask. Wear long sleeves that protect you from any splatter of paintballs.

Wear Gloves

Gloves protect your fingers from getting hit with a paintball and give you a better grip on your gun. 

Leave with Your Hands Up

You need to show that you have dropped your weapon when you’re hit. Never run with a gun, as it can be mistaken for an attack.

Know Your Surroundings

Before you play, look at the terrain and find the safest places to be when hiding or looking for cover. Make detailed plans, so you don’t get in trouble or injure yourself in an unexpected situation.


Can paintball guns break bones?

A paintball pellet travels between 200 and 300 feet per second, so it can’t break a human’s bone. But it can leave a bruise or other injury. 

Can paintballs make you bleed?

Yes, they absolutely can. If you get hit by any sensitive area of your body, like the eye or nose, the paintball can break your skin and make it bleed.

Final Word

So what do you think after reading this article? Can paintball cause injury? Paintball guns are potentially dangerous, and other paintball-related minor injuries can also happen. 

However, using protective gear and masks can prevent severe injuries. Although no one wants to get hurt, with some care and common sense, it’s possible to avoid injury on or off the field. 

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