No paintballs are non-toxic. The outside of the paint is a little rubbery, but it’s filled with a food-grade filling. And don’t think it tastes like cookies, it’s not made with bread dough, so it won’t taste like that but awful. So I will avoid tasting the paint rather than focusing on whether it will harm me or not. 

But luckily, though it tastes bad, it won’t leave bad effects on my health. No harmful materials or chemical is used to make the paints. So don’t worry if some paint filling goes into your mouth after an explosion; they won’t harm you. 

But just because they are non-toxic, don’t leave them here and there. Keep them in a safe place, especially out of kids’ sight. 

If kids eat up lots of paint at once, it can leave a laxative effect.  So it’s better to be safe on the safe side.

What are paintballs filled with?

Modern paintballs are filled with food-grade jelly that is totally chemical-free. Usually, this jelly is a mix of polyethylene glycol, food color, and water.  But not all the paintballs are the same. Some cheap paintballs are still there that are filled with oil-based liquid. Oil-based paintballs are a mix of mineral oil or essential oil, with food coloring and water. They are sticky and hard to wash off stain, while food-grade paintball stains are easy to wash off. 

Are Paintballs Biodegradable?

Most of the paintballs are biodegradable but not all. As I told you above, some paintballs are filled with water-soluble dye liquid, and some are oil-based. Paintballs filled with gelatin jelly are designed to break down just after being shotted with a paintball gun, and gradually vanish in the environment, but oil-based is not. Once shot or getting hitted at high speed, food-grade paintballs break down and vanish with time. But oil-based paintballs don’t. They spread widely and stick hard like raw eggs. If some animals consume the paint, they will face health issues. And they are also hard to remove from clothes and other gear. You have to clean it immediately once the gameplay finishes. So, avoid buying and playing with oil-based paintballs. 

Are Paintballs Environment-Friendly?

Yes, paintballs are environment-friendly, but not all. Paintballs are gelatin capsules having polyethylene glycol inside as filling.  But paintballs with oil-based filling are absolutely not environmentally friendly.

Gelatin paintballs are biodegradable and non-toxic. So, they will break down and vanish naturally; you just have to clean the outer shells and other trash.  But oil-based paintballs won’t get vanish with time; you have to clean the outer shell and the filling, also.  

However, these days most paints come with water soluble dye jelly instead of oil-based filling. So be careful while buying the paints and keep yourself and others safe.  

What if I eat a paintball?

Some say as polyethylene glycol is used to make the paintball filling or liquid, so it’s not safe if you consume it. But it’s not fully true. Because this ingredient is also found household items, even in toothpaste and cough syrup. 

We use toothpaste to clean out teeth and cough syrup as a remedy, so how can it be dangerous if I accidentally consume a small amount of this element? Nothing, but if you, or especially kids, consume it in large amount or consume a few whole paintballs, in that case, it can cause health issues for you.

And this active substance also can be harmful to other lives, like dogs, cats, or other animals.  We will know how paintball can harm animals in related articles.

Is Paintballs Safe For Dogs?

Unlike humans, paintballs can upset stomach of dogs and other animals. Because human and animal body structure, digestion system, and nervous system are not the same. Though paintballs are made with food grade ingredients, they include Osmotically Active substances like glycerol, glycol, etc., that are a threat to animals. 

Human body can easily digest these ingredients biologically; in fact, some medicine, including cough syrup, contains these ingredients. But animals can’t; these substances will drain the water from one tissue and redirect it to another. As a result, animals will face severe poisoning including salt toxicity and electrolytes, and sometimes, more dangerous, like blood vessel tearing or brain seizure, head tremor due to weakness, mucous membranes, etc.

Some clinical signs your dog is facing poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, heavy panting, elevated heart rate, tremors,  weakness, increased thirst, etc. If you notice any of these signs, call the pet poison helpline, and don’t get worried, it can be cured with intravenous fluids ingestion.

Some Things You Should Know Related To Paintballs

  • Temperature is the enemy of paintballs, so keep the paintballs away from sunlight and warm places. Some suggest buying the paintball just before you play or the day before for better performance. 
  • Avoid using paintballs twice or using the ones that were dropped or hit with something at speed. 
  • Keep the paintballs in airtight containers or ziplock bags, and store them in a dry and warm place. Plus, avoid storing them for a long time; it’s better to buy and use them instantly.  


Do paintballs dissolve in water?

Yes, paintballs dissolve in water. Paintballs are made with water-soluble dye ingredients that are biodegradable. So they can easily dissolve in water or with nature with time.

Are paintballs actually paint?

Though paintballs have the word paint, no actual paint is used to make paintballs. Food coloring substances mixed with water are the filling of paintballs that we think paint. 

Are Paintballs Edible?

Yes, paintballs are edible, as they are free of any chemical or harsh ingredients. But as paintballs have active ingredients present in their filling, so it can cause digestion problems for animals. Humans can also feel its effect a little if consumed too much. 

Final verdict

After reading the entire article, have you been able to figure out are paintballs toxic to humans or not? Let me repeat; paintballs are not toxic to humans. Still, it is advisable for paintball enthusiast to play safe as paint include some active ingredients that may leave a laxative effect on your health. You can wear a face protector to avoid such incidents.